‘My kingdom is not of this world’.
Jesus’ answer to a questioning Pilate.
The truth of that statement sinks deeply into my very being today,
as we reflect on the death of Queen Elizabeth
after such a long, dedicated life.
The instantly winging responses are deservedly world-wide:
Tributes and memories
Laying in state
Funeral plans
Immense sadness and thanksgiving …
What a contrast with the Jesus so rapidly crucified,
accused of claiming to be a king:
A cross
A hasty linen-wrapped burial by two men watched by a few women
A borrowed rock tomb
Sealed and guarded –
lest a stolen body might challenge the finality of death.
No procession
No religious service
No obituaries …
And yet –
the death of that ‘king’ two thousand plus years ago
influenced the life, words, and actions of our Queen –
and millions of others, down through the centuries,
across the globe
and continues, unabated,
as each committed person, high or lowly
contributes to making our world a better place.
Jesus’ words were so true.
‘My kingdom is not of this world’.
Not indeed in earthly terms of wealth, power, status,
but undefeatably demonstrating,
in that spiritual reality which we call eternity
that ‘king’ Jesus, through the power of God’s Holy Spirit,
here and now and yet to come
is indeed a king.