Yeast, salt and light
each able to transform
one state of being to another,
but together they become
images for our understanding.
It is as if
we are the fruit of God’s planting.
From harvested grain
we can become fine flour
as we pass between life’s millstones.
The yeast of compassion
lightens our heaviness.
The salt of our deepening faith
adds flavour.
Living water of God’s Spirit
transforms our very being.
As time passes
we become like risen dough.
Baked with the warmth of Jesus’s light
we become bread to be shared
in God’s world.
We have so little to offer
but from our little, freely given,
God creates enough and to spare
because only a little is needed.
IF we cooperate
and contribute our yeast, salt and light,
we become a miniscule trinity of love.
Included by permission of the author, the Rev. Ros Murphy