Advent Reflections 2024: Day 24

24 December   Silent Night (StF 217)

Those of you who are parents – having had broken nights because of the baby crying during the night – will sing, with tongue in cheek, of ‘the child beloved and fair sleeping in heavenly rest’, perhaps remembering the  husband  saying  ‘Try  to  keep  him  quiet, I  have  to  go  to work tomorrow!’

The baby could be cutting its teeth, which is irritating and causes the restlessness. It never seems as peaceful or as quiet as the carol tells us. But to be a parent with a newborn baby is wonderful. We are told Mary and Joseph watch their baby sleeping.

The shepherds had heard the angels singing that Christ the Redeemer was with them. One look at the baby, and they knew he was special. He was the Christ, the Redeemer.

Jesus told his disciples, ‘I am with you always’. We know that although we cannot see him or touch him, he is with us at all times, especially when we need him the most. We can talk to him; we can be aware of his presence. What a reason to praise him.

Barbara M. Schofield

Thank you, Lord, that you are always within our reach,

always available, always listening to us.

Help us to talk to you and with you through our daily prayers

and to keep in touch with you so that you will guide us

in our journey through this earthly life,

as we walk each step with you. Amen.