Aspiring Professionals Programme by IOPC

Do you want to make a difference and get paid while doing it? If the answer is yes, then the IOPC Aspiring Professionals Programme may be for you!

The IOPC oversees the police complaints system in England and Wales. We investigate the most serious matters, including deaths following police contact, and set the standards by which the police should handle complaints. We also use learning from our work to influence changes in policing. We make our decisions entirely independently of the police and the government.

The Aspiring Professionals Programme is a paid four-week summer placement in the IOPC. Starting in late June, our IOPC Aspiring Professionals will work as part of a team on an equality project that will help us to engage better with our diverse communities. They will also gain experience of working in the public sector and receive guidance that will help with future applications to permanent IOPC positions.

We want to offer the programme to a group of diverse candidates, of all ages, who can bring a variety of life experience, unique skills and cultural knowledge into our organisation. We particularly invite applications from those undergoing career breaks, from care leavers and from black and Asian candidates.