Climate Justice

Climate change is an issue that we cannot ignore. You may feel worried about the situation and not know how to cope with this. Firstly we can be reassured in the knowledge that God is ultimately in control and we can look to his word for guidance. This article provides us with four biblical reasons not to panic about climate change. 

Keep up to date with all of our Climate Justice related news here

Did you know?

A recent survey conducted by Youthscape found that 9 out of 10 Christian teenagers are concerned about climate change and 1 out of 10 do not feel that their church is doing enough. Find out more here: Burning Down the House | Youthscape

The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. Find out more about this important event here. 

What Can I do? 

Check out Climate Justice for all a climate focused, youth-led, global campaign which seeks to mobilise the Methodist family on issues of climate justice. 


Look at the Christian Aid webpage about Climate Justice and discover how you can get involved!