11 December Psalm 93: 1–5
David the Psalmist described the supremacy and kingship of God in
this psalm pointing out His authority and strength over the entire
world in the first verse. In most parts of the world where a kingship
system is in operation, it is believed that the authority of the king
remains unquestionable and is ranked supreme.
In the second verse the psalmist also stated that the throne of the
Lord is eternal and without end. This however acknowledged the
fact that God shall continue to rule and His rulership tenure shall
have no end.
The psalmist pointed out in the third and fourth verse how
powerful and fearful the floods and ocean waves can be as well as
how they tend to threaten and terrify the human race. The flood is
powerful, so also the tsunami, but the Lord is mightier and powerful
than them all. The Lord is greater than the greatest, He is higher
than the highest.
The fifth verse explained the fact that God’s testimonies are
steadfast and firm, and that holiness is required in His house.
God sees the innermost part of the human’s heart and that was the
reason why He insulated the legs of birds for He already knew that
one day man will discover electricity. Birds stay on high tension
electric cables and nothing happens to them, neither are they
electrocuted. If it were not for God there wouldn’t be any birds left
on earth. The Lord reigns and His supremacy is for evermore.
Rev. Adedotun Kila
O Lord our heavenly Father, we acknowledged that you are the
immortal, invisible and only wise God; teach us to know you more and
grant us the enablement to keep your laws and live a holy life that is
acceptable to you.