Daily Advent Reflection: 22nd December 2020

Luke 1: 57–66

‘His name’, wrote Zechariah, ‘is John’, and as that elderly priest
regained his power of speech, the special nature of this new baby
began to be revealed as neighbours and relatives pondered the
question, ‘What then will this child become?’

For it had been an unusual chain of events – an unexpected
pregnancy, a husband inexplicably struck dumb – and now a name
given totally at odds with family tradition!

There is a sense of mystery, of God at work breaking boundaries,
defying convention. And we who know the story see the dawning of a
new era, signalling hope for the world in the One for whom John was
born to prepare the way.

As Christmas draws near, and we once again hear the familiar
readings and carols, are we prepared for the unusual and the
unexpected to happen?

For our God is not subject to human limitations, and is still in the
business of breaking boundaries, still at work in the world.

And if we have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to hope, we will
surely discover our name written on God’s plan to bring light, love
and hope to a weary world.

Liz Stuart

Loving God, through the mystery of Christmas, break into our lives with
a new vision of all you are, and all you would have us be, to your praise
and glory. Amen.