Thursday 31st December
Hymn: Name of all majesty (SofF 939/MP 481)
Who could have imagined this time last year what lay ahead of us, the havoc and the heartbreak caused by Coronavirus, and in years to come, this one will surely be one that stands out in our memory. But hopefully not for all the negative reasons, Lord, for you have been with us in all we have faced, weaving your love into the generosity and sacrifice of the many who have given of themselves, your wisdom into the skill of doctors and scientists, and your grace and goodness into the thoughtfulness of friend and neighbour. And because of all you are, Lord God, because of all you have done for us in Jesus, and are doing through your Holy Spirit, we have hope. Hope in your sovereignty, in your continuing faithfulness, and in the security of your promises, hope for the coming year. Thank you, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 30th December
Hymn: Come be born again
We know it’s never enough, Lord Jesus, and yet it so often happens – that we listen to the Christmas story year by year and just let it wash over us. You see, Lord, it’s so easy to let things get in the way, to be caught up in the commercialism of it all. There’s so much to do, so many preparations to make, so busy getting gifts for others that we forget about our gift to you, the gift of ourselves. And yet you ask so little of us – simply that we come as we are and open our hearts and lives to your loving presence. Forgive us, Lord, and please come – come and be born in us again this Christmas-tide.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 29th December
Hymn: Joy has dawned upon the world (SofF 1931)
Thank you, Lord God, that deep at the heart of Christmas is the message of joy and hope, of promises fulfilled and a future full of expectation. But it is even more than this, Lord, for it is all rooted in your love and faithfulness, and because of this, in spite of the sorrow or hardship this past year has brought, we know that you are always with us to give us the strength and guidance we need – and that in you we can safely and securely put out trust.
Liz Stuart
Monday 28th December
Hymn: When love was born
Lord Jesus, sometimes we get so focussed on the stories surrounding your birth, the angels, the stable, the shepherds, the wise men and so on, that we miss out on the wonder of what it all really meant and, amazingly, still means. For on that night in Bethlehem, it was actually love that was born, love in the form of a baby, love given the Name, Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, love with us in a physical, human being. And a love so great, so all-embracing, so self-giving that it would not only overcome the power of sin and death, but would go on to change the world, to transform lives, to transform us. As we get back into the routine of our daily lives let us not lose sight of this mystery, Lord, but rather let love continue be born through our words and actions.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 27th December
Hymn: Who would think that what was needed? (StF222)
It’s amazing, Lord, what we human beings get up to in order to prove our power, our status, our worth! If we had been in your shoes, would we have chosen to come to earth as a tiny baby, subject to all the risks of birth, of growing up in an occupied country, living from hand to mouth, and so on? No we wouldn’t, Lord, but then we would have left out that vital ingredient of love, and of the humility of your coming that reaches into the very depths of our hearts – that moves us to wonder, and invites us to see ourselves in a new perspective. Surprise us again, Lord Jesus, with a new vision of all you came to do and be, and then go on to put your love into action in our lives!
Liz Stuart
Saturday 26th December
Hymn: Cradled in a manger (StF 197/H&P 98)
It could hardly have been a more humble beginning, Lord Jesus, but then, thinking about it, perhaps it was the way you came among us that would shape the whole pattern of your life on earth – for you had no expectations of grandeur, no desire for pomp and ceremony. You came to serve, you said, and this is what you did, giving of yourself in so many ways in love, in mercy and compassion, becoming a vulnerable human being, like one of us. And this is what you ask of us, Lord, the simple giving of ourselves, not that this is always easy, for it means accepting our own vulnerability and need. But when we do ask you into our hearts, Jesus, you come with your love and peace, putting new hope and purpose into our lives. May we share with others the difference you have made to us.
Liz Stuart
Friday 25th December, Christmas Day!
Hymn: Let earth and heaven combine (StF 208/H&P 109)
‘Incomprehensible’ is a good word to describe it, Lord! It is all totally beyond our understanding, our imagining and, not least, our deserving. That the One who spoke Creation into being should become a human being, the ‘Word made flesh’, taking on the limitations of a human body, of time and space, of dependence and vulnerability defies all rational thought. And yet this is what happened, Lord, and you did it all out of love for us, coming to us so that we might come to you, freed from the power of sin and death, free to live life to the full, in a living, loving, hope-filled relationship with you. Like those first witnesses to your birth, we kneel before you, Jesus, in wonder and in worship.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 24th December
Hymn: O little town of Bethlehem (StF 213/H&P 113)
I wonder how quiet it was in Bethlehem that first Christmas Eve, Lord! The bustle of travellers arriving, the sound of voices, the clatter of feet, the noises from animals being disturbed – and yet, in the midst of this, a stillness with the aura of holiness. For into this less than silent world your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ was being born. And we can know that stillness too, Lord, a calm within that is not ruffled or upset by the disruptions and troubles of everyday life, a quietness of spirit that we receive when we learn to rest in you and put ourselves and our lives into the security of your loving hands. Help us to do that this Christmas, Lord.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 23rd December
Hymn: It came upon the midnight clear (StF 205/H&P 108)
Peace and goodwill? Sometimes they can seem to be rare qualities in our self-orientated society! And yet, Lord, over this last year there have been so many amazing examples of generosity and compassion as people have reached out to befriend and support those who are alone or vulnerable. As we hear again the song of the angels this Christmas, we give thanks for those ‘human angels’ with their message of goodwill, and we ask, Lord, that you will help us all to reflect the love and hope and light that Jesus came into the world to bring.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 22nd December
Hymn: Of the Father’s love begotten (StF 181/H&P 79)
Lord God, your coming in Jesus, wasn’t an afterthought, or decided upon at the last moment. It was planned from the very beginning and looked forward to over centuries of hoping and waiting, and all of it out of love, and to express that love in a human life. And many people have been making plans, Lord, looking forward to seeing family or friends at Christmas, and showing love in simpler ways, but like you, face to face, plans that are no longer possible. In that very real disappointment and distress, Lord, may all know your presence, bringing comfort and consolation, and the enfolding of your love. And help us to put our hope and trust ever more firmly in you, for your purposes and your promises never fail.
Liz Stuart
Monday 21st December
Hymn: Thorns in the straw
It can’t have been easy for Mary, Lord – it’s one thing to be ‘chosen’, but mixed in with the joy and the honour, must have been the anxiety, the responsibility, to say nothing of the difficult explanations of expecting a baby out of wedlock. But all this was as nothing compared to what was to come, and the pain she would endure as the baby became the man dying on a cross! And sometimes saying ‘yes’ to you, as Mary did, will cause us pain and suffering, perhaps in rejection, misunderstanding, or in hard choices we have to make. Give us courage, Lord, to face whatever comes our way, knowing that through it all we are enfolded in your love and the promise of new life.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 20th December
Hymn: The angel Gabriel from heaven came (StF 187/H&P 87)
It must have been a shock for Mary, Lord – totally unexpected, overwhelming, and maybe, to begin with not entirely welcome! It’s not nice to have your life turned upside down, your plans disrupted, your future mapped out in a totally different way. But, sometimes, Lord, that’s what it takes for your purposes to be fulfilled, for the ‘new thing’ you are planning to take shape, and for love to be born. And when that happens to us, when you want to intervene in our lives and disrupt our carefully laid plans, help us to have the courage Mary had, and say ‘Yes!’
Liz Stuart
Saturday 19th December
Hymn: Glory be to God on high based on (StF 199/H&P 101)
It’s hard to grasp the enormity of it all, Lord! That you, Almighty God, should come to earth as a human being, one of us – that the Word who spoke the world into being should ‘become flesh and dwell among us’ – it takes our breath away! And yet that was your plan, and that was your promise, and this is what we celebrate at Christmas. But this is not all, because if could do this once, you can do it again. Not in the same way, Lord, but still in ways that turn our preconceived ideas upside down – into situations so dark that seem beyond hope, broken beyond repair. So come again, Lord, with you light and love, your healing and peace – remind us again that you are Emmanuel, God with us.
Liz Stuart
Friday 18th December
Hymn: Praise to the God who clears the way (StF 183)
Lord God, you let nothing get in the way of your coming among us in your Son, Jesus. You planned his coming over centuries, preparing the way through prophecy, through people, putting everything in place for that first Christmas to happen at just the right time. And still you come, Lord, in your Holy Spirit, into this broken world, into our suffering, into our need for guidance, into our seeking to find peace and strength – and you come, as you did in Jesus, to bring love and light and hope. Help us this Christmas to prepare the way for your coming into our hearts and lives. Let nothing get in the way, so that it will be that ‘right time’ for each one of us! Amen
Liz Stuart
Thursday 17th December
Hymn: There’s a light upon the mountains (StF188/H&P 246)
Even when it’s with optimism, Lord, waiting is never easy! And waiting for the promised Messiah, the One who would bring light and hope into the world, must have seemed interminable for those of long ago! When would the ‘right time’ come? But it was all in hand, Lord, and in due course your promise was fulfilled in the coming of Jesus. And we are waiting too – the excitement is growing as Christmas approaches once again, and we look for some welcome cheer after the gloom of the last months. But we also look for another coming, Lord, when the whole of Creation will be made new and whole, and meanwhile there’s work to be done! Let’s not miss your voice speaking to us in the here and now as we wait in expectation!
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 16th December
Hymn: Long ago, prophets knew (StF 178/H&P 83)
Lord God, you prepared the way for the coming of Jesus over long centuries, calling people to speak and act for you in ways that were often derided and misunderstood, but were later seen to be part of your great plan of salvation, of bringing people back into a living, loving relationship with you. And you call us, Lord, to be that prophetic voice in our generation, bringing that message of hope to the world of today. Give us the courage to respond to that call, even when it takes us out of our comfort zone, so that we may play our part as bearers of your light and love.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 15th December
Hymn: Somewhere in your silent night
Lord God, for many people Christmas isn’t an easy time. For some it stirs memories of the past, for others it has been a difficult year where loved ones have been lost, where securities of many kinds have been threatened, and the future appears bleak and uncertain. But, Lord, you sent Jesus into a world of pain with the very purpose of bringing love and light and life into places where there was seemingly no hope, and you still reach out to all who are suffering, offering comfort and strength. So help us, Lord, to spread the good news of Jesus in our world today, that all in turmoil and distress may find your peace.
Liz Stuart
Monday 14th December
Hymn: Go light your candle
Lord Jesus, there are many in our world, indeed in our neighbourhoods, who are being led astray to seek fulfilment in those things that will never satisfy, and so many others living in difficult and dangerous circumstances, with little hope of a better life. Yet this is the world you came into, Lord, to bring light and hope, love and new life. If you have lit that candle flame in our hearts, let us not simply guard the light, keep it to ourselves and allow it to burn itself out. Rather, Lord, so inspire, enable and empower us by your Holy Spirit that we may keep the flame burning, and share in your work of seeking to dispel the darkness of hopelessness and despair.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 13th December
Hymn: Here I am to worship (SofF 1419)
So here we are, Lord, on this third Sunday in Advent, waiting and wondering as the story unfolds and we draw nearer to the manger. But what will we see there? Will it be the romantic picture of childhood memories, a cosy picture of domestic bliss, albeit in a stable surrounded by animals and shepherds, or will it be the enormity of God humbling himself to come into all of our human vulnerability, one with us, in order to make us one with you? For it is when the reality of what this means dawns on us, fills our minds and stirs our hearts that worship truly begins, and we approach the manger with awe, for we are standing on holy ground. May it be so for us, this Christmas.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 12th December
Hymn: The hope of Christmas
It’s been a year like no other, Lord, and people have suffered in so many different ways, through loss of freedoms, bereavement, poverty, and isolation to name but a few, and often it’s been hard to hold onto hope. And yet, Lord, this is where you step in, for you are a God of hope, offering a hope that is not merely wishful thinking, but one that is sure and certain, and which we celebrate in the coming of Jesus, and in the new life he came to bring. As we prepare ourselves in Advent for his coming, strengthen us in our faith, so that we may be more open and ready to receive his love and light and hope into our hearts and lives.
Liz Stuart
Friday 11th December
Hymn: The light of the world (SofF 2546)
Lord Jesus, at this time of year we focus on your coming as a baby in Bethlehem, but sometimes we forget that this is part of a far bigger story – a story planned from Creation, and going on into Eternity. And what is even more wonderful, Lord, is that we can be part of this story, with your light shining in our hearts, revealing your glory and truth in our own lives! Thank you for this privilege, and please help us to share our faith bravely and consistently, so that your love and hope may be shown through us, not only at Christmastime but always.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 10th December
Hymn: Longing for light (StF 706/SofF 2417)
There are so many ‘longings’ in our world today, Lord, so much suffering and pain, so much poverty and inequality. And we long too – for a world where there is justice and peace, where there is equal opportunity and dignity and recognition for all people everywhere, where the environment and the world’s resources are respected and cared for. And it often feels, Lord, as though it’s all too massive to get our minds around, even for us to make a small difference. Until we remember that in Jesus you came in a small way, as a human being like us, but speaking words of truth, of love, of compassion, and putting those words into action. And just maybe, if we follow his example, even in a small way we could make a difference too. Help us to do so this Christmas, Lord.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 9th December
Hymn: Make room
We know the story so well, Lord – we hear it year on year, acted out by children in school Nativity plays, in readings at Carol Services and so on. We know about the journey to Bethlehem, about there being no room at the inn, about shepherds and angels and so on, so well, Lord, that maybe we have never thought to apply it to ourselves, and ask where we are in that story, and what it all means to us. This year, in the busyness of the season, let us not miss out on what is the most important part of it, the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and not only into the world so long ago, but now, into our hearts and lives. And let’s be sure we make room.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 8th December
Hymn: Holy overshadowing
Loving God, our faith in you doesn’t protect us or remove us from the ups and downs of daily life, and nor does it ensure that we will never have to deal with suffering in its many forms. Rather, it’s through having to cope with the challenges and difficulties we will inevitably face, that we discover a security, a resilience and a peace which enables us to remain calm and steady, knowing that you are with us overshadowing us with your Holy Spirit. And strangely, Lord, it is often in those dark and distressing times that we find our trust in you growing stronger, as we allow you more fully into our lives. Thank you for always being there for us.
Liz Stuart
Monday 7th December
Hymn: You say
Lord God, while we, and sometimes other people, easily name our faults, our failures and our weaknesses, you not only see our abilities, but with you they can become realities, for you know what is possible when we put our trust in you. Thank you for believing in us when we find it difficult to believe in ourselves, for loving us as we are, and through your Holy Spirit, giving us the strength, the courage and the confidence to begin to grow into the people you created us to be.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 6th December
Hymn: Like a candle flame (StF 176/SofF 891)
How small is a candle flame, Lord God, and yet what a difference it makes in dispelling the shadows and providing a welcome light. This year has been a dark place for many people, Lord, as this pandemic has swept the world and devastated so many lives, and we so need the light of Jesus to guide us and to give us hope both now and for the future. But let us not forget, Lord, that we ourselves can be like a candle flame, often flickering and easily blown about by the winds of chance and change, yet nevertheless able to bring some small light into the life of someone else, through our faith in you. In your strength may we have the courage to do this!
Liz Stuart
Saturday 5th December
Hymn: At your name (SofF 2220)
Almighty God, if we ever had any doubt of your power, your wisdom and your goodness, we only have to look at the beauty and the wonder of the world around us, for the whole of your creation speaks of your glory. But even more, Lord, we are amazed at the depth of your love for us that we see in Jesus, and in this season when we celebrate his coming among us, we ask for a new vision of all that this means, so that we may be the more ready to welcome him. Move in our hearts and lives, Lord, in your Holy Spirit, and awaken in us new songs of praise and worship.
Liz Stuart
Friday 4th December
Hymn: Trust his heart
Lord God, there are so many things we don’t understand, not only what’s going on in the world, but even what’s happening in our own lives. And when things don’t work out the way we’ve hoped and planned, it often doesn’t make sense, and we struggle to find the reason why. But you alone, Lord, know what’s best for us, and because you love us and because you have always been faithful, we know we can turn to you in our confusion. Help us to trust you, and to be confident that in all things you are always working for our good, both now and for the future.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 3rd December
Hymn: You are faithful
Lord Jesus, you know us so well, and you are intimately interested in every part of our lives. As we grow deeper in our faith and in relationship with you, it is a daily delight to discover more and more how faithful you are, and how confidently we can rely on your Holy Spirit to guide and uphold us in whatever life may bring. Your love, Lord, casts out all fear and fills us with hope, because we know that your promises are sure and are for always.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 2nd December
Hymn: Here in your presence
When we are in your presence, Lord Jesus, everything looks different. The structures in our lives that once seemed so important suddenly lose their significance, and those things that have weighed heavily upon us, our fears, our insecurities, our burdens of responsibility become lighter as we lay them before you, and find rest in your forgiveness, your love and your peace – and through this discovery find new freedom and joy. Thank you, Jesus!
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 1st December
Hymn: O come, O come, Immanuel (StF 180/H&P 85)
Lord God, at the beginning of Advent we look to you for light and hope, and find it in the coming of Jesus. We remember the story of his coming long ago, stepping down into our history, and we look forward in anticipation to his final coming in glory. But we rejoice as we celebrate his coming in so many ways in our own time, through the Holy Spirit, bringing love and joy and that light and hope into the dark places of our world and of our own lives. Lord Jesus, we wait eagerly for you, for you are all we need, and you never let us down.
Liz Stuart