Easter People – a meditation by Ros Murphy

Once again, we are in Holy Week,

travelling those last days of the journey to Jerusalem.

But, for us, a less fearful pathways than for those who accompanied Jesus.

We know that the cross was not the end, but a new beginning,

a passing through the mystery of the door of death,

incomprehensible in human terms.


Yet, the evidence is there,

unmistakably, then and now,

in that inextinguishable, unconquerable, dazzling light

not unseen, but now to be found reflected

in myriads of committed followers

as we are inspired by his glory.

What a responsibility for each of us

to be part of ‘the body of Christ on earth’,

However humble, or insignificant we seem to be,

if we have ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’

the needs of our companions near and far,

we can be reflections of

of the nurturing God whose names include

wisdom, compassion, justice and peace.

Nurturing God, through the power of your Holy Spirit,

enable us, the Easter people

to play our part in that kingdom

which surpasses all earthly glory.


Rev Ros Murphy


(Inspired by that incredible image of the crowned-with-thorns face of Jesus, created from hundreds of photographs of children, women, men, of all ages and races)