Lent 2022: Week 1 – Climate Justice

“It is the task of God’s people to listen to the prophetic voices in our midst and to change direction, to take action, to do something.”

The Revd Sonia Hicks, President of the Methodist Conference, 2021-22

At the 2021 Methodist Conference an aspirational target of becoming a net zero emissions Church by 2030 was agreed. 

In response to this goal our District will be working towards Eco District status with Eco Church: A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

Points to consider both as churches and in our personal lives:

How do we respond to our changing environment?

Why do we respond in this way?

What other possibilities are there for taking our response further?

What theological ideas does this throw up?



Useful resources: 

Environment and Climate Change (methodist.org.uk)

Our Faith, Our Planet, Our Community | Manchester Climate Change

Climate Justice: Every moment matters – Christian Aid

Environment | Hope in God’s Future | Joint Public Issues Team