Loving and Gracious God
As we approach the end of this Connexional year we reflect on the events of the last few months.
It was good back in April to look up and see the sun sending out warming rays as we expected to remember the events of Good Friday, and remember the crown of thorns placed on the head of Jesus.
Instead we learned about a very different crown, corona-virus.
Foreheads as well as fields became furrowed with concerns, and people were furloughed from their work.
The school run became a thing of memory, as children were taught, and fought, at the kitchen table.
While for some the pace of life became slower, others learned quickly how to Zoom from one meeting to the next.
The daily briefing was accompanied by our daily prayers.
Old ways faded into the background as a new norm became, well, the new norm.
And while all of this was going on, and we felt the continual shift of changing rules, shaken and afraid, you, Lord, remained faithful and firm, holding us in your everlasting arms.
And so, Lord, as the Connexional year turns, help us to walk into the new Methodist year as your faithful people, equipped with new skills and ways of working, that we may serve you and love each other through this ongoing time.
We praise you for all that is past, and trust you for that is to come.
In Jesus’s name.
Rev. Sue Williams