This is a season of Advent, miracles and celebrations. We are going to celebrate the miracle birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas, through the Holy Spirit, because our God is a God of miracles.
Christmas is a time to remember that we worship and serve a God who is totally unique. You alone are able to perform mighty deeds for those who love you. You alone are powerful and worthy of our love and adoration. God alone is able to intervene in human history and work miracles on behalf of His people.
As the psalm writer noted, “What god is as great as our God?” It’s certainly a theme echoed throughout the Scriptures. After the miraculous escape from Egypt and the daring dash across the Red Sea, Moses and the people of Israel erupt in song and praise God: “Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you — majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?
Lord! you stretch out your right hand, which provides us healing and wholeness. We humbly thank our God for the mightiness, greatness and faithfulness because, “Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours.”
Remembering God’s miracles and faithfulness, God sustained his people through their many difficulties, and enabled them to act when all avenues seemed closed to them. Lord! You reminds us the importance of “trust in God,” trust in a loving and caring God that prompted us, the few and weak, to rise up mightily to spread the Gospel of Jesus. It was our faith in the God of miracles that we had received light, hope and peace, Lord we believed and acted faithfully because we knew that you alone was capable and trustworthy.
Lord, when we are faced with obstacles and overwhelming difficulties, we remember how you have acted on our behalf in the past and how good you have been to us. Therefore, we can step out and act in faith, knowing that our God will care for us in all the circumstances we are facing nowadays.
Regardless of the turmoil, uncertainty and ongoing changes in the future of health insurance, we can be confident that God is good. He is constant and His love and care for us is consistent and sure. God has blessed us with the provisions of a guiding faith and the capacity for strong physical fitness. Let us insure what we value by taking the steps today to glorify God in all areas of our life and bring honour to His name.
We, too, will experience God’s power as we call on you in our time of anguish and fear, for we will find you to be our shield and the lifter of our head. Lord as we seek you, we believe that you will fill us with your peace and cause our sleep to be sweet as you hold us in your arms and sustain us. Truly, great peace belongs to those who know how to call upon the Lord.
Dear God we thank you for keeping us safe during this pandemic and we are grateful for the scientists who are working hard, day and night, and creating different vaccines which will help to protect the world from this deadly COVID-19 virus.
During this season, in addition to our traditional greetings of “Merry Christmas,” we should add this greeting as well: “May the God of Miracles bless you and keep you this season and throughout the year.” Amen.
God Bless
Noel Noel