This psalm 68 begins just like Moses’ cry in Numbers 10:35 as the Israelites followed the Ark of the Covenant. It celebrates the reign of God and traces his march from Sinai to Zion. He rescued the nation of Israel from Egypt, guided his people through the wilderness, brought them into the Promised Land, and established his kingdom there.
Mount Sinai had a prominent role in Israelite history. It was at Mount Sinai that God met Moses and commissioned him to lead Israel out of Egypt. It was to Mount Sinai that the nation of Israel returned and received God’s laws, and God’s presence made the entire mountain tremble. This sacred mountain was a constant reminder of God’s words and promises to Israel and to us as well in this time of uncertainty.
This psalm is also associated with the time when David led the joyous procession to bring the Ark from the house of Obed-Edom to Jerusalem as per 2 Samuel 6:11-15.
With shouts of praise and the sound of trumpets, David and his people took the holy Ark toward Mount Zion. It was a time to sing praises to the Lord, whose presence brings great joy. God brings hope for orphans, widows, prisoners, and all other lonely people, and he calls us to join him in bringing that hope for the vulnerable. Our churches should be safe and welcoming places for people who need help. We become more like Jesus when we help others in their needs and circumstances, and pray for them.
David praised God for his protection and provision. When we see God’s true majesty, our response should be to praise him. This psalm was a song of faith because many of these benefits had not yet come true in David’s time. It should also be our song of faith. We must continue to trust God because, in time, he will fulfil all his promises. So only focus on God and stay safe in his presence.
When we come into the presence of the Lord and consider all that he has done for us, we should feel an overwhelming sense of awe. Nature surrounds us with countless signs of God’s wonderful power. His unlimited power and unspeakable majesty leave us breathless. How fortunate we are that God loves and cares for us. Whatever the circumstances we face he is there to help and protect us.
We are grateful for his countless blessings, which he had provided to us in this unfortunate time and he remained with us and he never left us alone. We should be so grateful for his Majestic and Mighty Power which is for us all. Praise the Lord! Amen.
Stay Safe, be Alert and Keep Praying! God Bless you All.
Dear God, we thank you for your grace and blessing!
Lord Jesus help us that our lives reflect your light and goodness,
so that the way in which we live might bring others
to an awareness of your presence, your faithfulness and love.
Teach us to trust you with our whole heart,
and to praise you in every circumstance,
so that your grace and mercy might reach out through us
everywhere throughout the world.