Thought for the Month, Rev. Joy Rulton

Dear friends,

A question – What does Easter mean to you? New life perhaps, or the Light that nothing can ever extinguish?

If you ponder for a while, the answer may not be as easy as you may think. As we move through  Holy  Week  to  Easter  Day, we  see  the  celebration  and jubilation of Palm Sunday turn so rapidly to betrayal, heartbreak and guilt as Jesus was crucified and the disciples deserted him. It’s always a rollercoaster of emotions, but then we appreciate a little more the enormity of what Jesus has accomplished when we come to Easter morning.

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared in so many different places – to Mary outside the tomb, along the road, in a locked room, on the beach. To people  who  were  fearful, unsure  of  the  next  step,  he  brought reassurance, peace and purpose.

As we begin to look forward to returning to our churches and meeting with friends, leaving our homes for perhaps the first time in some months, we may feel fearful and unsure. Jesus is there for us too, bring that same reassurance, peace and purpose. The good news of Easter assures us that, no matter where we are, Jesus is there, waiting to be seen, longing for our eyes to open and see new life and new possibilities for witness and service. He has been with us throughout the last year and continues to be so as we tentatively emerge, much as a butterfly emerges from a cocoon – another Easter symbol.

Let’s go back the question – what does Easter mean to you?

Christ is risen. Alleluia!

Grace and peace,