Over Lent, we listen to and try to enter into, the story of Jesus.
We follow the journey to Jerusalem, his unimaginable suffering and his death. It was a cruel and humiliating death. To the disciples and followers of Jesus the events they witnessed leading up to Easter spoke only of sorrow and disaster. They had nothing left to hope for, no reason to expect any change in their situation.
Although Jesus has tried to prepare them, and to reassure them, they didn’t understand. After his resurrection, Jesus continued to be with them.
He spoke to a grieving Mary in the garden.
He spoke to the confused disciples as they walked the road to Emmaus.
He spoke to the frightened disciples in the upper room.
He spoke to the dejected, discouraged fisherman as they returned to their familiar occupation
and he continues to speak to us.
On Easter Sunday we will celebrate his resurrection.
The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive. He has risen.
He promises: “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” These are words to hold on to when the long weekend of Easter is over.
Christ is risen.
He is risen indeed. Alleluia!