Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025: Day 6

The Church: Community of believers 

Scripture Readings 

  • Isaiah 2:2-4 
  • Psalm 133 
  • Ephesians 4:1-6 


We are called to live with humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  

As the Church we must seek Jesus for the strength and humility to live out our calling, not just within our worshipping communities and ecumenically, but beyond our upper rooms: on Emmaus roads, sharing stories together that root us in our common story; gathered on shorelines where the risen Christ challenges us to feed his sheep; in the spaces and places that we know we need to be transfigured.   

Jesus gathers us to be joined as his Bride, made up (as Maximus the Confessor puts it) of “many and countless people various and profoundly different in origin and appearance, nation and language, way of life and age, knowledge and arts, manner of life, customs and propensities, sciences and honours, fate, temperaments and habits, all are in the [Church], through which all are regenerated and recreated in the Spirit.” 

What a privilege to be part of such a rich and diverse community with a common call to make disciples, to bring peace and to work together in learning God’s ways and walking in God’s paths as we journey towards God’s Kingdom being made real in every community and corner of creation. 


Her branches draped over me 

create the shade of peace. 

I recount stories of halcyon days 

as I effortlessly drift towards slumber. 

Leaning against your stoic mass, eyes half shut  

I notice mottled light through the leaves 

permeating the corners of my soul, 

illuminating dreams once dead. 

I awaken to the opening of her blossom, 

radiant and rich with the scent of hope 

blown by the wind, whipped up and bustling  

through streets long devoid of expectation and vision. 


God of our journeyings,  

Christ of our shorelines, 

Spirit of endless horizons, 

beckon us towards unity. 

Challenge us to step out of our upper rooms and safe spaces, 

to be bringers of light and peace. 

Imbue us with the light of your love, 

reconciling us 

to ourselves,  

to each other  

and to you  

when we confront the scandal of division. 

Graft peace, love and compassion into our mission and discipleship. 

Bind with peace any broken limb 

that we might go into the world  

and live the way of Jesus  

for the sake of all creation. 


  • The Church is called be the light of Christ in the world. Where do you see this to be true and in what ways is it happening? 
  • In Christ the Church is one body – how have you seen this to be true, and where have you seen opportunity for more co-creation? 
  • The Church as the community of the Holy Spirit, the giver of peace, is sent to live and spread the message of peace in the world. In what ways might your local churches enable their members to fulfil this calling? 

Go and Do 

(see www.ctbi.org.uk/goanddo) 

  • Personal: Reflect on how you handle disagreement. Explore ways to build bridges with people who have different views to your own. 
  • Local: “The Church is the Church only when it exists for others” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer). Explore ways in which your church community live up to this calling of existing for the sake of others? 
  • Global: Find out more about what churches are doing to take action on global justice issues through organisations such as Christian Aid and CAFOD. 


Original source: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025