Youth Network

Do you know a young person who might be interested in joining our Youth Network? (Ages 11+).

The Youth and Families Team recognise the huge impact that the pandemic has had on our young people, particularly the detrimental effects upon mental health and social skills. To help combat such effects and connect young people in their faith and discipleship we would like to set up a Youth Network that will offer the following:

  • A monthly newsletter
  • The opportunity to take part in Youth | The Wellbeing Journey course from Hope Together which will be delivered by one of our Youth & Families Team and Young Adult Leaders.
  • An online forum (platform to be decided) where members can connect, chat and share their thoughts

If you are aware of someone who you think might benefit from joining the group please forward details to them and let them know that we will require permission from their parent/guardian before we make contact. Please ask parents/carers to email: and provide the following details:

  • Young person’s name, age and email address
  • Parent/Guardian name and email address
  • Church (if any)

When emailing to register your young person, please include the following paragraph:

I am the parent/carer of ___________ and I confirm that I give permission for __________ to receive regular email communications from the Manchester Methodists, Youth and Families Team. I also confirm that I am happy for __________ to share pictures and comments where appropriate that then may be used in promotional materials for the Circuit on their website, social media and printed publications.