Advent Reflections 2023: Day 14

Luke 2:25-32

Christmas preparations and celebrations often focus on children. We love to watch the joy on the faces of children as they wander into Christmas displays, grottos, lights and then open their gifts. But although the baby is there, the focus of today’s reading is one of the two older pillars of the community: Simeon and Anna. Today we consider Simeon’s story, for Anna comes later, following this reading.

Simeon is a man of prayer, who clearly lived faithfully. He waited prayerfully for the coming of the Messiah. He had heard the rumours but was at the temple that day because the Holy Spirit prompted him. The prophesy was fulfilled when Simeon held the child in his arms and was full of love for him. At that moment, Simeon would have sensed God’s peace at the fulfilment of God’s promise and pointed to the light for all people.

Who are the pillars of your church community – the older people who have been faithfully upholding the church family in prayer? Today provides a good opportunity to recognise them, and name them, and thank them for their presence in our church families. We all need older and wiser mentors in our lives – those who will not only pray for us, but also have the courage to speak truth into our lives as Simeon did. As we look back, who have been the older people of significance in our lives? And, those of us who are now the older people, who might God be
calling us to mentor?

Sharon Read

Lord, your faithful servants Simeon and Anna had dreams and visions
that sustained them into their old age.
Enrich us all with visions and dreams that sustain us from one decade
to the next, so that our eyes might always be bright with the life that we see all around us. Send us out, today and all days, with this love,
and this vocation, and the light of Christ.