During this time of uncertainty and the need for social distance we hope that you will find comfort and strength in these resources.
Daily Prayer & Hymn Suggestion
Saturday 25th January
Hymn: God will make a way
Sometimes life can be so confusing that we can’t see the way forward – there’s so much going on that we’re simply unable to see a way through our problems, or the difficulties that are troubling either us or those close to us. But you can, Lord God, because you have an overview of our lives, and in your wisdom and in your love and through your Holy Spirit you are able to help us see things from a different perspective. And, amazingly, that which seemed impossible, and the obstacles which seemed immovable somehow become stepping stones to a new solution, and the way ahead becomes clear. Help us to trust you more, Lord, for then, while our lives may not be smooth sailing, they will become full of possibilities as we allow you to lead and guide us.
Liz Stuart
Friday 24th January
Hymn: God the uncreated one
Lord God, in this troubled and unstable world, where the thirst for power and control leads to so much conflict, destruction and innocent suffering, it is so reassuring to know that all power and authority is in your hands – that you are ‘King forevermore’, right from the moment of Creation until the end of all things. And that there will come a time when evil, suffering and death will be no more and your kingdom of love and light and peace will reign. We can be certain of this, Lord, because in Jesus you came among us, and on the Cross and through His Resurrection the power of darkness was broken once and for all. And so, however alarming the news may be, however shadowed our lives by pain or grief, we live in hope, a hope that is certain and will never ever fail or disappoint us.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 23rd January
Hymn: Here is love, vast as the ocean (SofF 168/CMP 987)
‘I love you this much’ says the child flinging their arms wide and this is just what you have done for us, Lord God, as you hold out arms to us that encompass the whole of creation, in your love giving us a wonderful world that speaks to us of your glory and provision and power. ‘I love you this much’, says Jesus as He stretched out His arms out wide on the Cross, inviting each and every one of us to step into His embrace, and discover a love which reaches out to us and forgives us and accepts us whatever state we are in. Lord, how can we resist love like this, and how can we hold back from loving you? May your love not only fill us today but flow out into the lives of those around us, to the building of your kingdom of love, joy and peace.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 22nd January
Hymn: Oceans
There are times, Lord God, when we feel overwhelmed by all that is going on, not only in the world around us, which is scary enough, but also in our own lives, as if we are being engulfed by a huge wave that threatens to break on our heads and crush the life out of us! It’s at times like these, when we reach the end of our tether, that you throw us the life-line of your promises, and we remember your words that you will never leave us or forsake us, and that we are safe in your loving care. Lord, when our worries are drowning out the sound of your voice, come to us in ways that we can understand – the encouragement of a friend, the smile of a stranger, the touch that says ‘I know and I am here for you’ – and discover the peace of your presence with us.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 21st January
Hymn: Faithful (SofF 2271)
Lord God, we live in a world, in a society where it seems it is no longer possible to depend upon many of the systems and institutions that we once thought solid and reliable, and where those we looked up to as role models, or thought of as people we could trust, have let us down, so that we may feel that in a crisis there is no-one we can turn to. Except you, Lord. For since the beginning of time you have proved yourself faithful, always there for your people, in every situation providing the support, the comfort, the courage that was needed. As we look back on our own lives so often we see you at work, quietly shaping and guiding us in ways that have always been for our good. And so today, Lord, we bring to you those things that are on our hearts and minds, trusting that in your love and faithfulness you will give us the strength and assurance we need.
Liz Stuart
Monday 20th January
Hymn: Have you heard God’s voice (StF 662)
Lord God, there are times when we are aware that you are speaking to us, calling us to step out in faith for you in new ways. But it’s not always in obvious ways, Lord. It may be through something someone says to us, perhaps just a throwaway remark. It may be an article we read or something we hear on the news that catches our attention. It could be words that stand out in a Bible reading or a line of a hymn, and on their own they seem insignificant until, through your Holy Spirit, these things all come together and we become aware of your calling, your stirring us to explore a new way of serving you. Lord, help us to be open to all the different ways you may be speaking to us today, and give us the courage to take that step of faith.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 19th January
Hymn: My heart is full of Christ (StF 506/H&P 799)
There are many things that can fill our hearts, Lord God. We can fill them with our own ambitions, with our own plans, with our own desires, and with all we think will give us an easy and fulfilling life, but if we do this we will miss out on all that you have in store for us. For it is only when we allow Jesus to fill our hearts, to be Lord in our lives, that we discover the true contentment, the true satisfaction, the true fulfilment that is your desire for each and every one of us. We ask, Lord, that in our worship today you will so fill us afresh with your Holy Spirit that we cannot help but want to share all we have discovered with those around us – for this is good news we cannot and must not keep to ourselves!
Liz Stuart
Saturday 18th January
Hymn: He will carry you
Sometimes, Lord God, we are apt to make you too small, or to underestimate your love and care for us. With all the massive problems so many people are facing in so many parts of the world, war, oppression, poverty, natural disaster, the results of climate change and so on, what we are dealing with can seem so insignificant, and we wonder how you can have time for us? Or maybe what we are carrying is so all-consuming that we can’t even take it to you, because we think it’s beyond even you to help or to solve. But how wrong we are, Lord, for you always have time for us and for our individual needs, and you promise to be with us, to help us and to share whatever we are facing. For it’s when we put our trust in you that we receive the strength we need and a peace that calms our thoughts and fears. We thank you, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Friday 17th January
Hymn: God sent His Son (Because he lives) SofF 736/MP t52
Lord God, you sent your Son and that’s truly amazing! It wasn’t that you hadn’t reached out to us in the past, speaking through your prophets, through ordinary folk who you called and set apart to demonstrate your love and care and to show us your will, but it wasn’t enough. Wasn’t enough for people to recognise you at work, to acknowledge you or to remain faithful to your commands. And so you sent Jesus to show us in a human life how you want us to live, but more than this, to bring us back into a right relationship with you and to give us new life. When we think of what you gave up for us, of all Jesus went through on our behalf and how you still reach out to us through your Holy Spirit, it fills us with awe and wonder, and so today we want to thank you, Lord, for the blessings we continue to receive because you sent your Son.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 16th January
Hymn: When the Lord in glory comes (MP 758)
When we listen to the news and hear so much of violence and destruction; when we see on our screens the results of climate change and the effect this is having on vulnerable communities as well as on the natural world, Lord God, we sometimes wonder what our world is coming to, and were it not for our faith in you, we would be tempted to lose all hope. But we know, Lord, that this is not the end of the story because we believe that you are still in control. That you, our Almighty God, are the Lord of history, and in your good time you will bring an end to suffering and to conflict; a time when there will be no more death and destruction as you bring in your glorious Kingdom of peace and love. And so for this we wait, Lord, and in the meantime seek to live and speak in ways that show your love.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 15th January
Hymn: You are mine
How wonderful to know that we belong to you, Lord God, and that whatever we have to face in our lives, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, you are always there with us, giving us the courage and the resources we need. We thank you for your love and faithfulness, Lord, and for the comfort this brings – that sense that we are not alone, for however caring our friends and family are, there are sometimes things that we cannot share, perhaps because these are too close to our hearts, or because we find it hard to put them into words. But you always know, Lord, and you come to us in the silence that can speak louder than words, and express our deepest longings in ways that only your Holy Spirit can interpret. And so today we lay our thoughts, our hopes, our questions and our searchings before you, Lord, not necessarily expecting an answer, but knowing that we will receive your peace. Thank you, Lord.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 14th January
Hymn: O for a closer walk with God (MHB 461/SofF 1471/MP 494)
Lord God, in this post-Christmas period, when our homes and churches and communities are looking bare, when all nature seems to be slumbering and the days are dark and drear, help us to keep our spirits up by remembering all the activity that is going on beneath the surface of the soil, in preparation for all the new life that will emerge in the spring. And may this help us to be aware, Lord, that even in those times when we seem to be going through a period of Spiritual slumber, when nothing seems to be happening in our lives, that often it is because you are preparing us for some new task, developing those ‘roots’ of our faith, making us ready to serve you in some new way. So, Lord, in times of seeming inactivity keep us faithful; keep us longing for that awakening of new life in us, and help us to walk more closely with you.
Liz Stuart
Monday 13th January
Hymn: Be not afraid
As we set out on the adventure of a new week, Lord God, much of it will be familiar ground – the same pattern of activities, of going shopping, seeing friends, perhaps attending a group or a coffee morning and so on. But there may also be surprises, Lord, some of them pleasant, others less so, things we are not prepared for, situations where we feel vulnerable or even fearful, places where we would rather not be. The good news is that wherever we are, whatever we encounter, we can be sure that you are not only with us, but that you have gone before us, in some mysterious way giving us the assurance of your presence and the courage we need. Lord, we thank you that you never leave us to struggle on our own, and that in all things, however dark it may seem at the time, you are working for our good.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 12th January
Hymn: O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (StF 34/H&P 505/SofF 457/MP 529)
Lord God, we come to worship you in wonder and in humility – in wonder at your greatness and your holiness, and in humility at the smallness, the unworthiness of all we can offer to you. And yet, Lord, amazingly, you accept us just as we are, with all our faults and failings, with all our inconsistencies and broken promises, for through Jesus you understand the weakness of our human nature, and how the lure of the culture of today’s world can persuade us to make wrong choices, choices that lead us away from you. So today, Lord, we want to recommit ourselves to you, to offer you not only our worship but also our lives and the love of our hearts, asking only that you will help us to live more nearly in the way of Jesus in the coming week.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 11th January
Hymn: You raise me up
It’s the end of the week, Lord God, and we are weary. The cold weather has sapped what little energy we had, the dark days drag us down, and sometimes it’s been a real effort to get out of bed in the morning, never mind be positive and cheerful! But that’s where you come in, Lord, for when we turn our thoughts to you, and especially to all you have done for us in Jesus, all He went through to bring us back to you and to give us life with meaning and purpose – when we focus on that, Lord, it gives us a new perspective on life. So, Lord, we’re going to start today with praise, with thanking you for being in our lives; we’re going to remember all your goodness to us, and let that lift our spirits and put a spring in our step – and, if we can, perhaps allow ourselves just another hour under the duvet!
Liz Stuart
Friday 10th January
Hymn: Great God of wonders (H&P 38)
Who is a pardoning God like you, Lord? How is it that in spite of all the ways we fail you, deny you, and sometimes turn our backs on you, yet you still remain faithful to us? You say it’s to do with love, and yet when we look at ourselves, even not too closely, there doesn’t seem to be much about us that is lovable – at least not in human eyes! But that’s just it, isn’t it Lord! For you see us differently, as your beloved children, and in your love and mercy you reach out tenderly to each one of us, willing us, wanting us to turn to you, to accept your forgiveness and to allow your Holy Spirit to guide our lives. For then, Lord, and only then, can we receive the fullness of life you long to give us, Life in a living and loving relationship with you. May this be our prayer today.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 9th January
Hymn: Where cross the crowded ways of life (H&P 431)
Lord God, we know you are at work in the world, that, through your Holy Spirit, you are present in places where there is suffering, working through people who are bringing aid, through those offering hospitality to asylum seekers, through those seeking peace and to bring hope and comfort in war zones, and so many others. But there are those in our own neighbourhoods needing help, Lord, who need that word of encouragement, that small act of kindness, that friendly smile – people who need to feel valued and that they matter. Lord, help us to see you in the faces of the lonely, the anxious and the suffering, and be willing to be your hands, your feet and your heart in serving others, in showing your love, and through this, serving you.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 8th January
Hymn: Safe in the shadow of the Lord (StF509/SofF 991/MP 583)
Safe, Lord? Is it possible to feel safe in a world where there is so much conflict, tension and unrest, with the news full of stories of terrorist attacks, of knife-crime, muggings and the like? When we wouldn’t dream of going out of our homes without locking our doors and closing the windows? So what is this safety you offer us, Lord? It clearly isn’t the sort of safety that protects us from the realities of living in a broken world or gives us a kind of insurance policy against illness or suffering. Rather it is the certainty that when we put our trust in you, we are kept safe in our inner selves, safe in the knowledge that nothing can separate us from your love, safe in the assurance that you are with us at all times, in all places, in every situation we find ourselves. And that gives us the security of knowing that, whatever happens in our lives, we can rely on your strength to see it through. It may not make headlines, Lord, but it’s surely enough for us!
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 7th January
Hymn: One thing remains
A week into this New Year, Lord God, and already the days are flying by, and, with the decorations down and cards read for a final time, Christmas is fast becoming a distant memory – so how are we doing? For, with all the festivities over, perhaps family members returned to their homes, these can be difficult and sometimes lonely days, Lord. Yes, there is the promise of spring to look forward to, but in the cold, wet and often gloomy days of January it seems a long way off, and it can be a real effort to keep positive and cheerful! Help us to remember, Lord, that however low we may be feeling, you are always with us, and your love never fails. You don’t go back in the box with the Christmas baubles, but remain with us as a constant companion, not only throughout the year but throughout our lives and beyond. Fill us, we pray, with the light of your love today.
Liz Stuart
Monday 6th January
Hymn: As with gladness men of old (StF 224/H&P 121/SofF 31/MP 39)
It’s often said that there is often more joy in giving than in receiving, and maybe this was true for those ‘wise men’ as they offered you their gifts, Lord Jesus. Unlike ourselves, they had no idea who was going to receive them, except that it was someone special and so they chose carefully – gifts that were valuable, gifts that had significance and, although they did not know it, gifts that were prophetic of the way you would give your life for others, for us. Lord, you have given us many gifts, all of them unique, significant, valuable; all of them gifts, abilities, designed to help us become the people you created us to be. May we not only cherish these gifts, Lord, but learn how to use them to serve others, and through this give you glory.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 5th January
Hymn: Let him to whom we now belong (StF 557/H&P 698)
On this Sunday, when many will be renewing their Covenant with you, Lord Jesus, we think about the promises you have made to us, costly promises, only made possible through your suffering, death and Resurrection. The promise of a new relationship with God through the forgiveness of our sins; the promise of eternal life, life with new meaning and purpose, life without end, to be experienced now through your Holy Spirit living in us. And, perhaps most of all, the promise of your presence with us at all times and in all places. Such amazing and grace-filled promises, Lord, given in love, and yet demanding so little of us, simply that we put our trust in you and seek to live to your glory. So help us, Lord, in our turn, to give ourselves completely to you, and know your power and love at work within us.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 4th January
Hymn: Who fathoms the eternal thought (H&P 432/MHB 513)
Lord God, your thoughts are not like our thoughts or your ways like our ways, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t understand the way we think and act, for you sent Jesus to come alongside us and live a human life. And because of this we can completely trust you to know what is best for us, and, through your Holy Spirit, to guide our lives. We do not know what the future holds, Lord, or what this New Year will bring; there will be many surprises in store for us, some to our liking and some that will cause us pain or anxiety. And so, Lord, we need to seek your wisdom and your will in the choices we make, knowing that in all things and in every circumstance you will be working for our good and helping us to grow in our faith. So today, Lord, we place ourselves within your loving care, certain that we are held safe and secure in your keeping.
Liz Stuart
Friday 3rd January
Hymn: Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us (StF 594/H&P 617/SofF 357/MP 435)
During these final days of the Christmas season, with the rush over and life beginning to resume its normal routine, we take time, Lord Jesus, to reflect on what your coming meant and still means for us today. We remember that you came to be part of a human family, and so you know all about the sort of tensions and misunderstandings that can arise within those close relationships. We know that you came to serve rather than to be served, even though that led to conflict and to a Cross, and sometimes we find this hard, preferring to have our own way than tread the path of discipleship. And yet we know that the only way to true peace and freedom lies in allowing your power to break into our lives, enabling us to live more nearly in the way you have shown us. Let this be our prayer today, Lord, as we seek to live closer to you.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 2nd January
Hymn: Born that we might have life
Only day two, Lord, God, and perhaps some of us have already broken those promises so newly made, and so honestly meant – but the great thing is, Lord, you never break the promises you make to us! For the very purpose of Jesus coming into the world was to restore our relationship with you, to give us the quality of life that was your intention from the very first, life of a new quality and depth, not only life in extensity but life in intensity, Life is all its fullness. And this was not because we deserve or merit it; not because we are ever able to keep our promises to you, however well-intentioned they are, but because it is your nature to want to heal our brokenness, to cleanse us from our sinfulness and to love us into your kingdom. We thank you, Lord, and ask for the help of your Holy Spirit, so that we might live more nearly in the way of Jesus.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 1st January
Hymn: Sing to the great Jehovah’s praise (StF 127/H&P 360)
On this New Year’s Day many of us will be looking forward to a new start, maybe looking back over the year that has ended, seeking to put aside any regrets and resolving to make changes in our lives. But first we want to thank you for all we have learned or experienced over the last year, for all it has taught us about your love and faithfulness, and for the strength and guidance we have received through your Holy Spirit. However, whatever the old year held, whether it was joy or sorrow, disappointments or lost opportunities, we know there is ‘raking over the past’ with you, Lord God, only a looking forward to walking more closely with you in the days that lie ahead. And now, as we move on into an unknown future, help us to do so with confidence, knowing, Lord, that you will be with us, and that nothing can ever separate us from your love and care.
Liz Stuart