We believe in God, who invites everyone into the fellowship of faith. We believe in Jesus Christ, who gives us the chance to leave behind the wrong we have done and to find renewed life with him. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who inspires us to live in amazing ways. We share this way of believing in God with all Christians, and our experience is that God loves us and can change our lives.
Our mission as Methodists is to share the good news about what God is doing for us. We do this as we worship God together. Our worship is vibrant, sometimes full of energy, sometimes peaceful and reflective. We make space for old and new in our worship. We love singing and music as a way of learning about, sharing and celebrating our faith.
We discover more of God’s purpose as we read and study the Bible together. We pray regularly for people in need in the community, and care for them in many different ways, including our food banks, our playgroups, our dementia friendly cafes. We try to reflect God’s caring love in the way we live.
The Methodist Church aims to be inclusive in its welcome to everyone. Our churches are home to people from many nations. We are partners in the student chaplaincy, St Peter’s House, providing a home for students in the city. We believe that God’s caring love and justice is for everyone, and we try to reflect that through our fellowship and our work with the communities where God calls us to be.