Advent Reflections 2024: Day 15

Week 3: Babel sounds – working to end division and              disconnection

15 December   Luke 3:7-18

The reading for today features a series of statements made by John the Baptist.  He  is  dealing  with  questions  from the people and you can imagine one person calling out questions above the voices of others – a real babel of confused voices.

We  can  find  ourselves  involved   in  our   own   thoughts,  and   the contradictions  we  find  in the thoughts of others when it comes to questions of belief and forms of worship.

The people ask, ‘Teacher, what shall we do?’ The answer is to act justly and  fairly  with  others,  whoever they might be. Do we always treat others equally?

The people are also not sure who John is, and they have doubts about him. I wonder how often we might have doubts about speakers and preachers, ministers and others?

I doubt John could pass our local preachers’ course, and yet here he is, ‘telling it like it is’ – something we don’t always do?

Phil Davis

Dear Lord,

we pray today for the wisdom to hear your voice

through the babel sounds that surround us today.

Help us to discern your will for us and guide us in implementing it.

Help us to understand the message that you are sending us

at this time of the year. Amen.