Advent Reflections 2024: Day 23

23 December   John 1:1-14

This is the Word, originally written in Greek which is the word Logos – from which we derive the word ‘logic’. But Logos meant much to the Greeks: it was not just a word, but represented the whole reasoning behind nature and our existence, their logic. So it is much larger than we think.

The Word – that is, Jesus – is the whole reason we are here. John says that through him God made the whole of creation, and he was the source of life!  Wow, what  a Christmas present! Yet all many see is a baby in a manger. They do not grow up to the Cross.

For all the presents we receive this Christmas, this is the biggest and the best. This is God here on earth! Immanuel, God with us. People may say he is just a man, but Paul says – as did John – that all things were made through him and for him, and that the wholeness of God is within him. So that, whenever we look at Christ, we see God. He is the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out. I finish with Wesley’s final words, ‘Best of all is, God is with us.’ 

John Worthington

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of your Son here on earth.

Through him, we can know your love and your peace.

The greatest gifts of all.
