God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father,
We give you thanks for the advent of spring and the newness of life and fresh opportunities that it brings. We pray for those who are experiencing difficult times of loss, isolation and uncertainty and ask that they may know the comfort and calm of Your Presence through Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.
We pray that where there are any ‘dead’ things in our lives, dreams, hopes, desires, relationships, that they would be brought back to life to the honour and glory of your Name through the power of the Resurrected Christ. May we also encounter You in a such a heart-warming experience so as to know that our trust is in Christ and Christ alone.
As we tarry for that which you promised, we look forward with eager anticipation to being baptised, empowered and united with the Holy Spirit, receiving the power and ability to be witnesses of the good news of the kingdom. In the name of your holy Servant Jesus whom You anointed we pray, Amen.
Ria Delves