Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025: Day 3

The Incarnation of the Son 

Scripture Readings 

  • Jeremiah 33:14-16 
  • Psalm 72:12-14 
  • John 1:1-14 


‘In the beginning’ the God who lives in relationship with the Son and the Spirit, displayed his heart for his beloved image-of-God, likeness-of-God, life-breathed-by-God human beings. Such was his commitment that not even the betrayal of human sin separated him from his unyielding love of those He created. Without him, we find ourselves untethered from that which allows us to live life as our best selves. We lose our true identity. The giving of his divine Son to join us in our humanity becomes our plumb-line of purpose.  

“He became human, so that we who die as human beings might live again, and death should no more reign over us.” – Athanasius of Alexandria.  

This shockingly subversive act, if we receive it, must inform every aspect of our lives as we endeavour to inhabit his mindset, revealed through the gospels. He who made himself nothing became a servant out of love and calls us, his people, to love him and others dynamically in all manner of creative ways. 

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14 


Am I a gong? 

Do I clang like a cymbal? 

Do I argue, 

break relationship? 



Am I wise, straight speaking and know all things? 

Do I give away everything? 

Do I fast almost to death? 

Do I do all things 

but fail 

to love? 

Know, dear one, 

wherever you place yourself, 

above or below, 

you are found, loved, rejoiced in  

and protected beyond imagination. 

It is in weakness you are powerful. 

Allow servanthood to display your best self. 

We inhabit a world of overwhelming ‘Me, me, I.’ 

Through our Saviour’s supernatural love  

made flesh, 

become an agent of change, 

by delighting in loving. 

Such love primes you for subversion. 

“Love is the most radically  

subversive activism of all,  

the only thing that ever  

changed anyone,” 

Ann Voskamp 


Word of God 

to teach us how to love. 

May we allow you to share our life in all things. 

Lord God, our Father, 

draw our eyes to you 

so that together as your people,  

we may walk from darkness embracing the light of your face 

revealed to us in Jesus, 

your beloved Son, our brother and Saviour, 

who lives alongside You, at your right hand 

now and for eternity. AMEN. 


  • As we learn about Jesus by reading the gospels, what steps are we taking to become our ‘best selves’? 
  • How do we experience Jesus’ love and life in our communities? 
  • How do we pray with Jesus for the needs of the world today? 

Go and Do 

(see www.ctbi.org.uk/goanddo) 

  • Personal: Reflect on the human ordinariness of Jesus’ life – his travelling, eating, talking, resting. Where in your ordinary daily routines do you meet Jesus? 
  • Local: Jesus calls us to meet him through our love and care for others (Matthew 25:40). Who in your community needs to be cared for and how can you help them 
  • Global: Choose three places around the world to pray for regularly. Learn about  
  • those places to inform your prayers and actions. 


Original source: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025