Joy to the world! (StF 330)
Joy – a feeling of great pleasure and happiness (Oxford Dictionary of English)
It’s good that, as we approach Christmas day, we feel great pleasure and happiness; not as the world does, but as followers of Jesus whose birth we celebrate.
This hymn wasn’t written as a Christmas carol, and reminds us that Jesus the Saviour reigns over a world full of the wonders of his love. No wonder our joy should be more than celebrating with family, eating a good meal and exchanging presents. Our joy should be deeper, more fulfilling and sustain us throughout the year.
This joy shouldn’t be superficial. I think we’d soon annoy others if we were Tigger-like, bouncing with joy at all times and in all places!
Joy should be deep within us, giving us pleasure but also motivating us to share our joy with others and to act with prayer and love when faced by injustice and need.
Chris Davis
Jesus, our Saviour,
we rejoice at your coming.
We pray that you will fill us with your joy
this Christmas and throughout our lives.
We pray that true joy and love
will be experienced throughout our world.
Guide us always to share your true joy with others. Amen