Advent Reflections 2024: Day 13

13 December   Hear the call of the kingdom (StF 407)

One thing I have learnt over the years is that there is a big difference between hearing and listening. We are surrounded by noise, much of which we filter out to keep ourselves sane.

Even when that noise is someone talking directly to us, we can easily be distracted by activities going on around us, or even our own thoughts.

Listening can be hard.

The first line of our hymn invites us to ‘Hear the call of the kingdom’. Are you  listening  out  for  God’s call? Or are you being distracted by the secular Christmas story? Is your mind so full of plans for shopping for presents, preparing family-favourite meals, or even worries about the cost of Christmas, that you do not truly listen for God’s love song?

The love song that starts with the nativity is about God sending his son into the world for you. Jesus redeemed you – his death bought you back from your sins of selfishness, greed and injustice. During his ministry, Jesus showed us a God who was full of mercy and grace; a humble God who cries out for justice; a God whose son went to the cross to bring us peace, forgiveness and hope. The love song is that he did all this for you and for everyone who trusts in him.

Jenny Jones

Lord our God,

this Christmas may I truly listen to message of the nativity.

Let your light shine in and through me.

May my heart overflow with your love,

so others may see you through me. Amen.