20 December Mark 10: 23–27
The rich young ruler asks how hard is it for those who trust in wealth to enter the Kingdom of God? Of course, you do not have to be rich to put your trust in money. In today’s materialistic society it is not hard to believe that more people put their trust in money rather than God.
Jesus talks about the eye of a needle and some say he was talking about the small ‘needle’ gate in the city wall and others quote the original Greek in Matthew and Mark which translates as ‘to sew’ hence a needle. Either of these ideas is impossible!
What Jesus is telling the young man is that even if he gave away all his riches and gave all his money to the poor he would still not be able to enter the Kingdom of God. It could not be achieved by his own actions.
The message is quite simple. We cannot put our trust in our money or ourselves. The only way to enter the Kingdom is by putting our trust in God.
John Elston
Lord, you have promised to guide your people in all truth – teach us your truth of trusting in you and trusting in your word – we ask this in the name of Jesus.