Living Loving God, what a journey we have been on since March last year,
- a journey from infection to pandemic
- a journey with some ups but seemingly a lot more downs
a journey which for most of us has seen very little physical journeying –
holidays cancelled or postponed –
local visits to families and friends severely limited –
travel to our church buildings for worship on hold
but a journey which has taught us new ways of being together, with one another and with you.
Now, once again, we are on our journey through Lent. We seem to have been in the wilderness for much longer than forty days – more like a year!
Thank you for journeying with us from March 2020 to March 2021.
And as March nears its end we shall reach Palm Sunday
- a day whose hopes didn’t initially seem to materialise
- a day which at first appeared to be a prelude to disappointment and to suffering.
We have seen and heard about so much suffering and disappointment that it has sometimes been hard to keep our hopes alive.
But thank you, Living Loving God, that March will give way to April. After Good Friday will come Easter and resurrection. Please keep us hopeful as we journey on.
Adrian Curtis