Prayers for MHA

MHA, our Methodist charity for older people, offers us these words to pray for their work, staff and residents at this time.

Sam Monaghan, the chief executive of MHA, has written this letter to Methodist friends, asking us to consider helping MHA in a number of ways. Please think about his requests as you hold MHA in prayer.


When we miss our families and friends

when we see illness and loss all around us:

Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love.

When we are anxious and afraid,

when we feel weak and helpless:

Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love.

When we grow weary in our caring,

when we feel the world has forgotten us:

Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love.

In our fear and in our trust,

in our despair and in our hope,

Thank you, tender God, that we are held in your love.  



We pray for all in MHA Care Homes, Retirement Living and Live at Home schemes;

for members and residents, families, friends, volunteers and staff.

We pray for all those who serve:

for those who provide and give out food,

for those who keep the building clean and in good shape,

those who answer the phone and keep the files in order,

those who befriend and drive and organise activities,

for those who nurse and those who give care,

those who make us laugh, and those who comfort us when we are sad,

those who have hard decisions to make,

and those who feel there is nothing they can do.

All-embracing God,

help us to appreciate each other,

and give thanks for all your goodness. 
