Welcome to the new Methodist year! We are delighted to welcome Deacon Jenny Jones to take forward work at Central Hall, including the important outreach projects Befrienders and Reboot. Deacon Jenny will work mainly at Central Hall but will preach in the circuit from time to time. We also welcome her husband Rev. Ali Jones, who will preach among us more regularly – we look forward to getting to know them both.
In the circuit, we continue the focus on stewardship which began at our Covenant services. The beginning of a new year is always a good time to take stock and evaluate where we are with God, with others and with ourselves. Rev. Ken Stokes gave us some helpful pointers to reflect on:
- What do I spend my time doing? We all need time for rest and recreation, alongside our work, but how much of my time do I spend serving God, in church and in the community? Have I got the balance right?
- What do I spend my money on? Some of us struggle just to pay for food and bills, and if so, we don’t need to stress about giving more – God understands. But if there is money left at the end of the month, do I have the right balance between spending money on myself and spending it for God, in church or community?
- How would I describe my relationship with God? Do I take the opportunity to build my relationship with God and to learn more about Jesus? Do I notice the Holy Spirit at work in the world and the people around me?
These may be hard questions to consider, and your minister will be happy to help you explore them further if you’d find that useful. Yet even if it is challenging to think about, it’s worth the effort. Whatever the coming year brings, for good or bad, a strong, well-balanced relationship with God will help us live life to the full as we grow into the people God created us to be, made in God’s image as sisters, brothers and siblings of Jesus Christ, loving God, loving others, as God loves us.