Sunday 31st January
Hymn: Think of a world without any flowers (StF 92/H&P 572)
Even though so many things are missing in our lives at the moment, Lord God, and our freedoms are restricted, there is so much to be thankful for. As we come to the end of January, already we can see hints of Spring, in the lengthening of daylight, the first flowers and the joyful song of birds, and even on dark, dismal days we know there is so much to look forward to. Best of all, Lord, is that in all of this we see signs of your faithfulness – that nothing can stand in the way of your purposes, which are always to bring life and light and hope out of darkness and deadness, revealed supremely in Jesus, and the promise of new life through the victory of his Resurrection. So help us, Lord, to not only revel in your Creation but to take care of all you have entrusted to us, to share the love you so freely lavish on us, and all of it to your praise and glory.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 30th January
Hymn: Eyes on you
In these worrying times how important it is to find something on which we can put our trust. But we soon discover, Lord, that there is nothing in this world that we can totally rely on, and that we don’t have the resources within ourselves to cope with all the challenges we face. Only when we turn to you, Jesus, only when we keep our eyes on you, do we find the firm foundation we need to face today with confidence, and the future with hope. For in Jesus you have shown us what it means to live in the nitty –gritty of daily life and yet know peace; to face hardship and difficulty and yet find the resilience to carry on. And so, Lord, we ask for the guidance of your Holy Spirit, that we may trust in your strength for the way ahead, knowing that because you love us so much, you always hear and answer our prayers.
Liz Stuart
Friday 29th January
Hymn: Shelter in the storm
Lord God, when so much around us seems to be falling apart and out of control, it is so good to know that nothing is beyond your power, your love and your ability to transform. You know what is going on in the world, you hear our prayers, our need for a way forward, and for an end to all that is turning our lives upside down. Thank you that in our uncertainty and anxiety and longing we can turn to you, and find strength and stability and hope. Be near to all who are grieving, Lord, and comfort them with your presence, your love and your peace – and increase our faith, so that we can be ministers of your love to those who are distressed.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 28th January
Hymn: Show me how to stand for justice (StF 713)
Sometimes we feel so helpless, Lord. There seems to be so little we can do to right the wrongs we see in the world, and even in our own communities. We hear of injustice, of poverty, of hardship, of the lack of resources needed for basic living, and not only in places far away, but on our own doorstep! So we ask for your help, Lord God, to open our ears and our hearts to see people and systems in a new way, with your eyes of love, so that, wherever you have placed us, we may be the hands and feet of Jesus, in whatever ways we can, and to your glory.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 27th January
Hymn: Beauty for brokenness (StF 693/SofF 664)
We may think we have learned lessons for the past, Lord, but have we really? The media so often paints a very different story, and while we may look back with horror on the large-scale wars and genocide of the past, we know that in so many parts of the world there is conflict, with people forced to flee in fear for their lives, often with dire consequences. Where do we look for hope, Lord, in the face of such inhumanity, in the ravages we inflict on our planet and the suffering of so many? We can only look to you, Lord, for you have shown us in Jesus, in broken bread and in a broken Body, that there can be healing, there can be forgiveness and new life. Help us to take hold of this hope and turn it into reality, as we put our lives at your disposal to bring healing to a broken world.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 26th January
Hymn: Jesus, your love
There are so many uncertainties in our world today, and on a personal level, so many uncertainties in our own lives. We’re so used to making plans, and yes, we know, Lord, that these don’t always work out the way we think they will, and may not be the plans you have for us, but now we seem to be living in a sort of vacuum, waiting for the next announcement, the next instructions, not knowing what next week, never mind what next month, may hold. It’s only when we turn to you, Lord Jesus, that we find the stability we need; only in your love that we find security, only trusting in your strength that we find courage and hope. For you have been here before us, and you continue to walk beside us, helping us to meet the challenges each day brings. Thank you, Lord.
Liz Stuart
Monday 25th January
Hymn: Behold our God
Almighty God, we praise and worship you for the wonder of all you are, for your power and wisdom, your authority and your faithfulness. We see it displayed in the beauty and variety of all you have made – all Creation witnesses to your goodness and glory. But most of all, Lord, we are amazed at all you have done for us in coming amongst us in Jesus Christ, in the love we see in action in all he said and did, but especially in his death and Resurrection. You, Lord, are the One on whom we can rely, you are the rock beneath our feet, and yours are the arms that hold us steady when we stumble. It is remembering this, Lord, that gives us the confidence to trust you with our lives, knowing that, in and through your Holy Spirit, you will keep us in your loving care, and in this we find our peace and security.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 24th January
Hymn: For the healing of the nations (StF 696/H&P 402)
Lord God, we live in a broken world – so much fighting, so much injustice and inequality. It’s nothing new, Lord – we can look back to world wars and the brutal loss of life, scars inflicted that never really heal. But we see it in other ways too, in the conflicts within nations, resources spent on weapons rather than on healthcare, education and opportunity for their citizens. In the battles of ideologies that favour some over others and deny many the human rights of equality and free speech, and dare we admit it, Lord, even in disarray between our churches. So as we end the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and turn our thoughts to remembering the Holocaust, we pray for healing and reconciliation among all peoples, that the costly peace of Christ may come and transform our world.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 23rd January
Hymn: My soul finds rest in God alone
As the week draws to a close, Lord, we look back and see how the days have unfolded. Sometimes they may seem to have run into one another, with little pattern or change. Some have stood out because of particular moments of joy, of good news or small triumphs over something we have been struggling with; others, perhaps, have been shadowed by grief or worry, with news of illness or loss. But as we reflect back, Lord, we also remember those special times when we have sensed your presence in a very real way, comforting and encouraging us, and always surrounding us with your love. Thank you, Lord, that even when we don’t realise it, you are always with us.
Liz Stuart
Friday 22nd January
Hymn: Fearless
Almighty God, because you are eternal and infinite, because you are always and everywhere, because you are all-knowing and all-seeing, but most of all because you are all-loving and always present, we know we do not need to fear. For you are with us in every circumstance and situation of our lives, through your Holy Spirit breathing into us strength and peace. And though we don’t know what the future will bring, and sometimes that can feel scary, we can be confident that you are there for us too, guiding us, even going ahead of us and preparing the way. And because of this, Lord, we can face whatever comes with courage and with hope, putting our trust in you and our lives in your hands, for you are our faithful God, and your promises never fail.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 21st January
Hymn: I watch the sunrise (StF 469)
It can feel very lonely in ‘lockdown’, Lord. Maybe to begin with we welcomed the space in our lives, the time to do the things we had put off, but as the days and weeks pass there is that emptiness, that feeling of isolation. We miss the actual physical presence of loved ones, the touch of another’s hand, the comfort of an arm around our shoulder, sharing a meal, or just a coffee together. We may go out to the shop or for a walk, but while we see people, it’s at a distance and there is the fear of getting too close. It’s so good to know that you are with us all the time, Jesus, and that when the hours drag, and when we lie awake at night, we can always be certain of your presence. As you draw close to us, Lord, help us to draw ever close to you, and know your love surrounding us.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 20th January
Hymn: My worth is not in what I own
Sometimes, Lord, we get so caught up in the world’s way of looking at things that we forget that this is not the way you see or value us. That it’s not what we can do, or be or achieve, but about what you have done for us in Jesus, through his cross and Resurrection. And it’s when we realise this, Lord – when we discover how much you love us, when we know that we are forgiven, when we find through our faith in Jesus that there is so much more to life than we ever knew was possible – that we are able to experience a peace, a joy and a strength that enables us to live today and face the future with hope. Thank you, Lord, for accepting us and loving us as we are!
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 19th January
Hymn: He giveth more grace
Whatever we need, Lord God, whatever we are going through, wherever we find ourselves, however we are feeling, you are able to supply everything that we lack. And because your resources are infinite, Lord, because you love us so much, you are always reaching out to us, always there beside us, supporting and strengthening us. Thank you for your faithfulness to us, Lord, and help us to grow in our faith and trust in you, and to discover more and more the riches of your grace.
Liz Stuart
Monday 18th January
Hymn: May the peoples praise you
There are times, Lord, when we really don’t feel like praising and being glad – rather we focus on all the negative stuff. It’s not that we blame you for it – it’s just that we feel so helpless in the face of all that’s going on in the world, the inhumanity, the exploitation, the injustice, and it seems like an endless recital of bad news. But what if we tried to be ‘good news’ ourselves, Lord? What if we focussed on the positive things instead – the sacrifices so many are making, the generosity of volunteers, the help given to neighbours, to say nothing of all that we constantly receive from you – your love and grace and forgiveness, and the new life and hope we have in Jesus – and that’s just the beginning! So let’s share that, Lord, and then surely we will find ourselves full of praise and joy!
Liz Stuart
Sunday 17th January
Hymn: One human family (StF 687)
We’ve heard the phrase so often, Lord – ‘we’re all in this together’ – and it’s true. We all have things in our lives that we find hard; all of us can’t help but be touched by suffering and loss. Oh, it will be different for every one of us, but it’s when we feel another’s pain, when we hurt when they hurt, and when we rejoice at their good news, that’s when we become most like you, Jesus. So help us to work together, to support one another, and to value those things that make us unique individuals, so that we may offer our strengths and receive in our weakness. For in this and in you, Lord, we share a common hope and discover life in all its fullness.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 16th January
Hymn: Life is hard (God is good)
We’ve reached the end of another week in lockdown, Lord, and in many ways we’re no further forward. Yes, the vaccine is there being given out, the one glimmer of light to brighten the future, but it feels like there’s still a long dark tunnel to journey through. So we need to keep reminding ourselves, Lord, of all the positives – that you are here with us in all that we’re going through, that you love us and will always bring some good out of every situation. And that you are the God of hope and new life, and when we put our trust in you, we are inviting your power and your presence into every circumstance we face, and that makes everything possible.
Liz Stuart
Friday 15th January
Hymn: Love of God, revealed in wonder (SofF 1958)
Lord God, you show your love and faithfulness in so many amazing ways. We see it in the rhythm and constancy of the natural world, the changing of the seasons, the colour and variety of all you have made. We see your love in all its depth and beauty, wonderfully displayed in the life and death and glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ, in all he said and did, in his grace and compassion. But even more amazing is the way we experience your love through your Holy Spirit in our own lives, bringing us strength and comfort, guidance and reassurance as you speak into our hearts words of hope and peace. Thank you, Lord, and please help us to show your love and share and with others.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 14th January
Hymn: You are my anchor (SofF 1646)
Lord God, we are so often troubled and disturbed by all that is taking place in the world, and so easily taken ‘off course’ by the things that are going on in our own lives. And when that happens, when we find ourselves feeling adrift, needing something, or more especially, someone to keep us steady, you, Lord, are that anchor. In your love you provide the security and the safety we need, and however far we stray away from you, whatever ‘storms’ rock our faith, you never let us go. Thank you, Lord, for holding onto us in those times when we have lost our hold on you, and, through your faithfulness, giving us the hope and peace we long for.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 13th January
Hymn: Only a shadow
You are such an amazing God! How is it that with the whole of creation on your hands you still have time for us, that we are forever in your thoughts, that you never forget us? And yet, Lord, because of your great love for us, and because you have shown us this by sending Jesus to live among us, we know this is true. For though our response of faith and love for you is so often weak and faltering, you remain constant and unchanging, and we thank you for the hope and reassurance this gives us. Draw us ever closer to you, Lord, and help us to grow daily in our trust in you.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 12th January
Hymn: Your presence is a promise
Lord Jesus, we’ve been through some dark times, and it’s likely things are not going to get a lot better that soon. But it’s on days when we’re feeling low,’ locked in’ not only physically in our homes, but mentally and emotionally too, that we remember your promise to be with us always, and that not only means ‘for ever’, but in all ways – in whatever is going on in our lives. This has proved true so often in the past, Lord, and because you are faithful and because you love us so much we know that we can totally put our hope and trust in you, both for today and for all the future holds.
Liz Stuart
Monday 11th January
Hymn: Loved before the dawn of time (Salvation song) SofF 2434
It’s so far beyond our understanding, even our imagination, Lord God, that you love us so much and so completely! And yet, broken as we are by failure, by suffering and by wrong choices, you never turn your back on us, never leave us to struggle alone. Rather, Lord, through Jesus, you forgive us, and in an amazing way transform our weaknesses into new opportunities to grow in our faith and in our relationship with you, as we learn to rely on your strength and the guidance of your Holy and life-giving Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful grace and goodness!
Liz Stuart
Sunday 10th January
Hymn: The River (SofF 2085)
Lord Jesus, when you went to be baptized by John, you identified yourself with all of us in the weakness of our humanity. And yet, Lord, in your life, and supremely in your death and Resurrection, you showed us not only how to live a sin-free life, not only how to overcome temptation, but through your Holy Spirit, have given us the power to live differently. In your great love forgive us, Lord, for the times we fail, and help us to take up the opportunity a new year offers to develop those practices of prayer, of Bible reading and worship that will deepen our relationship with you, so that we may truly live to your praise and glory.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 9th January
Hymn: The Father’s house
Thank you, Lord God, that we can come to you with all that’s troubling us, with all those things that weigh us down, all that causes us anxiety and fear. And it is as we lay these burdens before you, Lord, that we find it all lifted from our shoulders, like putting down a heavy rucksack, and here that we discover healing and freedom, a liberty of spirit, of release and a sense of peace. Thank you for always being there for us, for surrounding us with your love, and for giving us the courage, the strength and the hope we need to face these difficult and distressing times.
Liz Stuart
Friday 8th January
Hymn: Great is thy faithfulness (StF 51/H&P 66)
Well here we are again, Lord, in lockdown, and many facing isolation, dealing with frustration, and all of us having concerns for the future. We wonder how long it’s going to go on for – how much more we can take? And then we remember that you have been with us through every season of our lives, in good and bad times, and you have never failed us yet, and will not do so now. For you are our faithful and loving God, and your promises are for all always – ‘strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.’ This is what we cling to, Lord, and this is where we can grow resilience and find peace.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 7th January
Hymn: From the squalor of a borrowed stable (SofF 1239)
It was such a humble beginning, Lord. Considering what you had come from, the contrast could hardly have been greater! But in a way it set the pattern for the rest of your life on earth, for right from the very beginning you made yourself vulnerable, first as a baby in the hands of young and inexperienced parents, then in a ministry where you gave of yourself to the least and lowest, right to your death on the Cross at the hands of those who chose an easy way out rather than relinquish their power. Help us to remember this, Lord, when we seek to assert ourselves, to hanker over power or status, or to seek the comfort of compromise – to remember that walking your way is the way of sacrifice, but is also the road to new life and hope and inner peace. Lord, this year, help us to be different!
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 6th January
Hymn: As with gladness men of old (StF 224/H&P 121)
It’s been a very different Christmas, Lord! Many of us have been separated from our families, from the familiar round of Carol Services and Nativity productions, even from the bustle of Christmas shopping, and the New Year, far from the usual celebrations, has brought with it even more restrictions to our freedom! So much has been missing, except the vital part of it all, and that is you, Lord, for with you we see a bigger picture. The Wise men saw it when they brought you their gifts – they knew that the child before them had a significance beyond their understanding. And as we put this Christmas season, together with the decorations, ‘back in the box’ for another year, may we remember that this was, and is, just the beginning of the story for you, Jesus, and for us – a story planned from the beginning of time, and a story that involves us all!
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 5th January
Hymn: O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (StF 34/H&P 505)
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you accept us as we are, that you take our past with all its imperfections and failures and weave it into your great plan for our lives, for in your economy, and in your great love, nothing is wasted. So we come, like those wise men came long ago, to offer our gifts such as they are – the gift of our praise and worship, the gift of ourselves and of our hearts and lives. Only you, Lord, know how you will use these gifts in the coming year, but we pray that what we offer in sincerity and love you will use to bring your hope and joy into the world.
Liz Stuart
Monday 4th January
Hymn: Welcome to our world
Lord Jesus, when you came as a baby into your world, our world, did you really understand all you were taking on? Did you know what walking our soil, living a human life would entail – what it would lead to? And yet, Lord, had you not come, had you not breathed our air, experienced our emotions, faced our temptations, died our death we would have no hope. We would not have realised the deep love, have seen the yearning and compassion that dwells at the heart of God, have received the power of the Holy Spirit and the promise of eternal life, all of it to enable us to live life in all its fullness. So thank you, Lord Jesus, for taking the risk, and giving us the glorious gift of yourself! Amen
Liz Stuart
Sunday 3rd January
Hymn: Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (StF 227/ H&P 123)
Sometimes, Lord, often without meaning to, we find ourselves imagining we need to earn our way into your favour, and this can lead us into measuring the gifts and abilities we have against those that others can offer, and feeling that ours are not worthy, not sufficient, not good enough. But all of this is so untrue, Lord, for all you desire of us is our worship, the gift of ourselves and the love of our hearts. For it’s when we offer these to you, Lord, that you can truly work in us and through us by your Holy Spirit, not only transforming us from the inside out, but also enabling others to discover the new life and hope that comes only through Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord! Amen
Liz Stuart
Saturday 2nd January
Hymn: The First Noel (H&P 119/SofF 529/MP 644)
When we begin something new, Lord, there are often choices to be made, some fairly simple but others more demanding – those choices that will take commitment, that may involve sacrifice and sometimes struggle. The choice the wise men took to follow the star could not have been taken lightly, travelling many miles over unknown and challenging terrain, but they discovered it was worth it all when they found the infant Jesus. What star will we follow in this New Year, Lord? Will it be the stars that promise us success or power or worldly gain, or popularity, stars that keep us within our comfort zone? Or will it be the star that leads us closer to the Christ-child, to Jesus, in whom alone we discover the true riches of peace, of love, of hope and of joy. May it be so! Amen
Liz Stuart
Friday 1st January
Hymn: Standing at the portal (MHB 955)
Lord God, as we step into this New Year we do so with relief, with apprehension and with hope. With relief because last year has brought so much misery to so many people; with apprehension because we know that there will still be many difficulties to journey through. But with hope, not only for the good news of vaccines, but because we know that as you have been with us in the past, holding us and sustaining us, so you will bring us through whatever lies ahead. For you have never failed us, Lord, your love has never let us go, and when we put our trust in you and in your promises we can say with confidence that in every circumstance you, our Lord God, will be ‘all-sufficient for the coming year.’ Amen
Liz Stuart