Tuesday 30th June:
Hymn: Blessed Father, holy God (web)
Dear Lord, because of your faithfulness, we can begin each new day with confidence, knowing that you will never let us down. In our times of doubt, of despair, of inconsistency and weakness you give us the strength to rise above our fears and uncertainties, assuring us of your presence, your forgiveness and your unfailing love – and in this we find the hope and the security we need to carry on. Thank you, Lord, that we can always rely on you!
Liz Stuart
Monday 29th June:
Hymn: Hear the call of the kingdom (StF 407/SofF 1819)
Eternal God, you call us into worship, and then call us out to serve you in the world. But we do not go alone, but in the power of your Holy Spirit living in us, giving us the inspiration and the motivation to reach out as beacons of hope, offering to all the light and love of Jesus. Keep us faithful, Lord, help us to be obedient, that your kingdom may grow, and many be led to put their trust in you, to your glory and praise.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 28th June:
Hymn: You hear me when I call (The God of angel armies) web
You are an almighty, all-powerful God, and yet, in your glory and your greatness, you hear us when we call out to you, and promise that you are always there for us. And we can be certain of this because in Jesus you have walked on human feet, going before us through life, and even through death, opening up the way to eternal life, so that, whatever the world may tell us, we know we do not need to fear, for nothing and no-one can separate us from your love. Thank you, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Saturday 27th June:
Hymn: Everlasting God (StF46/SofF 1754)
Lord God, we’ve known for some time how fragile our world is, but perhaps only recently really come to terms with the fragility of our own lives. Which makes it all the more important, Lord, that we make your unchanging faithfulness, your steadfast goodness and love the foundation of our lives. Because it’s only as we put our trust in you that we will find the courage to look beyond the present with hope.
Liz Stuart
Friday 26th June:
Hymn: You are beautiful beyond description (SofF 621/MP 788)
Holy and amazing God, it’s when we try to describe all you are, to put into words and phrases all you have done and all you mean to us, that we discover how impossible this is! For you are so far above our understanding, so much more than we could ever imagine – and only when we look at the glory of your creation, as we glimpse your compassion, your grace and your love in Jesus, that we begin to realise how truly beautiful you are. We ask that you will open the eyes of our understanding, that as we learn more about you, we may come to reflect some of your loveliness in lives lived to your glory.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 25th June:
Hymn: Just as I am (StF556i/H&P)
We’re far from perfect, Lord. Even on good days we say and do things that we regret afterwards – sometimes it’s really hard to control our tongues, never mind our thoughts! And our faith wavers too. We get overwhelmed by things going on in the world and in our own lives, and that’s when doubts and fears creep in. How wonderful, Jesus, that you love us and accept us just as we are, and it’s because of this promise that we have the confidence to come to you, and in you find healing and hope.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 24th June:
Hymn: Speak, O Lord, as we come to you (StF 161/SofF 2032)
Loving God, you are able to speak into every circumstance and every situation we are in. Sometimes it’s as we read your word, or in the beauty of the world around us. Often it’s through your Holy Spirit, your quiet voice deep within us. But always it’s to respond to exactly what we need – to challenge, encourage – to bring us comfort, healing, peace, hope. And above all, to reassure us that you are reaching out to us in love.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 23rd June:
Hymn: How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (StF 322/H&P 257)
There are days, Lord, when we feel we’re getting to the end of our resources, running out of steam, finding it difficult to remain positive about the future. It’s at times like these that the Name of Jesus, whispered in our ear or deep in our hearts, reminds us of all you are to us – so much, Lord! For your love and your grace are that ‘never-failing treasury’, continually and faithfully providing the hope, the peace and the strength we need to see us through. Thank you, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Monday 22nd June:
Hymn: Come, people of the risen King SofF 2249
Lord Jesus, we lift our hearts and voices to you in praise and adoration, for you promise that however and whenever we come to you, you welcome us and gather us in as your people, enfolding us in your love and filling us with your joy and peace. We thank you for the security and the hope this brings to our lives. Help us to put our faith and trust more firmly in you, both for the present and the future.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 21st June:
Hymn: As the deer pants for the water (StF 544/SofF 27/MP 37)
Loving Lord God, we do indeed long to worship you, for you are the centre of all we are and all we do. You give our lives meaning and purpose – but all too often we get distracted by our own desires. We are protective of our own interests, wanting to do things our way, forgetting that it’s only when we submit to your will that we find true security. Forgive us, Lord, for our stubbornness and our slowness to learn. Help us to follow the example of Jesus in his humility and self-giving love, to put you on the throne of our hearts, and thus discover life in all its fullness, life lived in the power of your Holy Spirit.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 20th June:
Hymn: God will make a way (SofF 1799)
The end of another week, Lord, and things don’t seem to be getting much better. Oh yes, the shops are open, but in a way that only adds to the aloneness, the isolation, and sometimes it’s hard to keep hope alive when the future is so full of unknowing. But you know what it’s like, Lord, you’ve been there before. Long ago you made a way for your people in their wilderness time, and you give us the assurance that you will make a way forward for us too. That we are not forgotten – indeed you are here, right beside us, not only giving us new hope, but the love and strength we need to face each new day. Thank you, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Friday 19th June:
Hymn: I see your face (You’re beautiful) SofF 2372
Often, Lord, our thoughts, our outlook, our vision is so earth-bound that we fail to see you at work in the world today. Help us to make time to pause and to wonder – and then to see everything around us with the eyes of faith. For then, loving God, all you have made, all you have done, all you are still doing, and most of all, all that you are, will stop us in our tracks and make us exclaim: ‘You’re beautiful!’
Liz Stuart
Thursday 18th June:
Hymn: You do not walk alone (web)
Whatever we are going through, dear Lord, however alone and troubled we feel, when the future looks dark and fearful, we have the sure and certain promise that you are with us. And we can be confident about this because Jesus has walked this way before us, and shown us that nothing, not even death itself, can separate us from your love. Thank you for this assurance, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 17th June:
Hymn: Everyone needs compassion (Mighty to save) (StF 627/ SofF 1757)
Mighty God, sometimes we are assailed by needless fears; we get anxious over what seem to us insurmountable problems – and often we forget just how awesome you are! But even more than this, in your tenderness and love you have reached out to us through Jesus, assuring us that you are always there for us. Help us, Lord, in our moments of weakness and insecurity to rely on your strength, for then we will discover that you are sufficient for our every need.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 16th June:
Hymn: He knows my name (SofF 795)
It’s so easy these days, Lord, to lose our sense of personal identity. So often it seems we’ve become little more than a set of digits – a password, an account number – or categorised as part of a group, the vulnerable, the unemployed, the asylum seeker, and so on.
How wonderful that you know and call each one of us by name! So thank you, Lord, for making me who I am, for accepting me as I am, for reaching out to me where I am, and for always holding my life in your loving hands.
Liz Stuart
Monday 15th June:
Hymn: This is the air I breathe (SofF 1562)
Living in your presence, Lord, feeding on your Word, and meeting you in prayer gives us the spiritual nourishment we need to grow in our faith and to sustain our discipleship. Thank you that in your love and through your Holy Spirit you provide these means of grace, but help us not to take this for granted, but constantly turn to you for guidance and strength for each new day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Liz Stuart