Tuesday 14th July:
Hymn: When I was lost you came and rescued me (StF 367/SofF 1607)
Grace-filled God, you love us so much that you sent your Son, Jesus, to die for our sin, that with him we may be raised to new life. Thank you that we can experience Resurrection Life right now through your Holy Spirit living in us, and for the joy that comes from being part of your great family, on earth and in heaven Amen!
Liz Stuart
Monday 13th July:
Hymn: Empty handed
Loving Lord Jesus, so often we fill our lives with our own plans, our own desires, our own hopes and dreams, and leave little room for your Holy Spirit to work in and through us. Remind us, Lord, that your plans for us are tailor-made, and that it’s only when we come to you ’empty-handed’ that you can fulfil in us all the possibilities and promises you have in store for us. For only then will we grow into the people you created us to be, and discover life in all its fullness.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 12th July:
Hymn: Worship God with the morning sunrise (StF 68/SofF 2154)
Amazing God, we can never praise and thank you enough! You are there for us in every part of the day, in every season of our lives, loving us, listening to us, forgiving us and upholding us. You are that faithful friend who never lets us down. We bring you our worship and our songs of love.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 11th July:
Hymn: Lord of Creation, to you be all praise (StF 449/H&P 699)
Lord God, it’s as we recognise all that you are, your power, your wisdom and your generosity, that we truly begin to worship you, and to acknowledge our dependence on you. And it’s then too, Lord, that we realise that only by offering ourselves totally to you that we can become the people you created us to be. So take the gifts and the abilities and the personalities you have given us, and in your love use them to bring glory to you. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
Liz Stuart
Friday 10th July:
Hymn: Into the darkness of this world (StF 173/SofF 821)
Lord Jesus, you came long ago in human form, and you still keep coming into our world, into our lives, in your Holy Spirit. The darkness hasn’t lessened, Lord, and we need your presence with us to guide our world, to guide us, to help us make sense of our present situation, and to bring that much needed reconciliation, healing and hope. So we pray, Lord Jesus, ‘Come with your love to make us whole, come with your light to lead us on.’
Liz Stuart
Thursday 9th July:
Hymn: Way Maker
Lord God, nothing can change your nature. You are all good, all powerful, all loving, and always present. And wherever you are, you work those miracles of grace, transforming situations, transforming lives, bringing light and hope into dark places, bringing healing and wholeness to those whose lives are broken. For that is who you are, Lord! – and we praise and worship you.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 8th July:
Hymn: Everlasting arms (Lean hard)
It’s all getting to be too much, Lord! Not seeing our friends and loved ones, the anxiety and uncertainty about the future, the pressure to fulfil our own and other people’s expectations – and the frustration surrounding it all. When we add up all the stresses, sometimes it’s more than we can cope with. But then, when we feel we’ve reached our limit, you step in with your strength and your love. You bid us lean on you, and somehow when we do this the burden is lighter, the exhaustion lifts, and we find the resources to carry on. Thank you, Lord, for always being there for us.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 7th July:
Hymn: Jesus, be the Centre (StF 477/SofF 1377)
Lord Jesus, it’s when you are at the centre of our lives, on the throne of our hearts, that everything makes sense and becomes real. We see the world with your eyes of love, we reach out to others with your hands of compassion, and we seek your will and your guidance as we walk with you, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Keep us focussed and keep us faithful, Lord, that through us others may hear the song of your kingdom.
Liz Stuart
Monday 6th July:
Hymn: For this I have Jesus (SofF 721/CMP 829)
We all have highs and lows in our lives, Lord – it’s part of being human. The fears, the anxieties, the insecurities, alongside times of certainty and confidence. The failures and successes, sadness over disappointment or loss, and then moments of pure joy, when seeming impossibilities have been overcome. The great thing, Jesus, is that you were once human too, and whatever we experience you have been there. And what’s even more amazing, you are here for us right now, alongside us, giving us new strength and hope, and, in your love and grace, the chance to start again. Thank you, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Sunday 5th July:
Hymn: O Church arise and put your armour on (SofF 1981)
O Lord our God, our faith in you gives us the strength to rise above every difficulty, every hindrance that would prevent your message of love and hope and life reaching out into the world. On our own we often lack courage, but together as your people, as your church, as the Body of Christ, we have the assurance that ‘the outcome is secure’, and that, in time, all will come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. So give us, we pray, the boldness we need, that Jesus may be glorified in all we say and do in his Name, and your kingdom may come, on earth as in heaven.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 4th July:
Hymn: I, the Lord of sea and sky (StF 663/SofF 830/CMP 857)
Lord God, thank you that over this ‘lockdown’ time so many who do not attend church have been joining in with the worship and prayers available on the internet and through social media. Help us to use this time to listen to you for ways in which we might reach out as lockdown eases, so that we may be inspired, prepared and ready to be all you intend for us, and to go where you would send us.
Liz Stuart
Friday 3rd July:
Hymn: Deep peace of the running wave to you (web)
Where can we find peace today, Lord? In a noisy world it’s hard to find anywhere really quiet, and even when we can it’s so often disturbed by turbulent thoughts, fears, anxieties. It’s only in you, Jesus, that we can find true serenity – a calmness, a deep peace which is untroubled by whatever’s going on around us, and which soothes all that is within us, filling us with a quiet joy and the assurance that we are enfolded in your love. Thank you, Lord.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 2nd July:
Hymn: Draw me close to you (SofF 1217/CMP 980)
Lord Jesus, this separation from family and friends gets even harder to bear as time goes on. Missing precious months of grandchildren growing up, of anniversaries not celebrated together, of achievements not recognised, of special occasions missed when the generations would have gathered, perhaps for a final time. Yet you are always near, Lord, offering comfort and healing, stretching out your arms of love to hold us close when no other arms can. Thank you for the safety and security we find in you.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 1st July:
Hymn: Wonderful grace (SofF 1630/CMP 966)
Lord Jesus, you have given us so much, in fact you have given us everything! You sacrificed your own life that we might have Eternal Life, forgiving our sin so that we can enter into so deep a relationship with God that we can call him ‘Father.’ And now, Lord, through the gift of your Holy Spirit, you continue to be present with us, showering us with your love and filling us with hope. Wonderful grace indeed! We offer ourselves and our lives to you – help us to live to your praise and glory.
Liz Stuart