Manchester Walking the Way Trinity Ancoats: 4


Walk Start Point: Trinity Methodist Church Ridgway Street

Distance: Under 3 miles approx

Time:  75 mins approx

Terrain: The terrain is easy but sensible footwear for walking along the towpath and over grass and footpaths is recommended.

Then turn Left onto Butler Street go left into Woodward Street and then right in to Redcliffe Drive. Go right and through the gap that goes onto the toe path. Follow the canal up to bridge

(Lock 81) and go over the bridge. Continue up the side of the canal to the next lock and then go left through the gate between the Library and the playground.

Reflection Point 1 -LIBRARY                        

  • Take a look around what do you notice?
  • Think about this place and who uses this space.
  • The library and playground are places of gathering by individuals, families or groups what other places can you think of where people gather?
  • Libraries are places of learning. Think, when was the last time you went into a library?
  • What kind of books did you look at or take away with you?
  • When was the last time you took time to just sit and read?
  • What did that feel like?
  • Think about what is the best book you have read and why you enjoyed it.
  • Have you ever read any of the Bible? What did you think about it?
  • Perhaps you might be thankful for the things that you have read and have been life giving to you.


Go out of the gate at the bottom and turn left and then turn next right onto Naylor Street. Continue until you come to Oldham Road. Go over the crossing and turn left along Oldham Road.

At the Community Centre on the right turn right along Livesey Street.

Continue along until you come to Rochdale Road then turn Left along Rochdale Road.

Continue along Rochdale Road and at the traffic lights go left into Thompson Street.

REFLECTION POINT 2 – Community Fire Station

  • Take a look around, what do you notice?
  • Think about this place, the people who work here and what they do.
  • Think about the joys of rescuing someone, the sense of purpose and achievement that will be felt amongst the fire crew and support staff.
  • Think about this team based here and how they are part of a bigger team of firefighters and other emergency services that help people.
  • Can you think of a time when you have needed help either by the emergency services or someone else.
  • What did that feel like knowing that there was someone there to help you?
  • Have there been occasions where you have helped someone else and how did you feel afterwards?
  • Perhaps you might like to be thankful for those who have helped you along life’s journey.

JOURNEY ONWARDS                                                                                            

Continue along Thompson street and at the crossing, crossover Oldham road. Go right and then go left into Cornell Street continue to Anita Street (on your left)

Stop! Walk quietly along Anita Street


  • Take a look back up Anita St. What did it feel like walking through this street?
  • These are the last remaining terrace houses in the City Centre, think about the people who lived in these in the 1890’s.
  • It is an area of great history and nostalgia dwelling within a modern environment. Think about what it might be like to live here back in the late 19th
  • This street was originally called ‘Sanitry’ street, but the residents didn’t like it. Think about things you have changed that you didn’t like. Did you feel better after making the changes?
  • As we look around despite standing on an original Manchester City Street we see that change is inevitable, think about how you are at dealing with change?
  • Do you embrace it or are fearful?
  • As you stand on Anita Street and not Sanitry Street how does your view of this place feel now?
  • Do you think the people who live in these houses know who their neighbours are?
  • Jesus once told a story in response to someone who asked, ‘Who is my neighbour?’ This led to the Good Samaritan.
  • Perhaps you might like to be thankful for your neighbours and the community where you live.                                                                          


At the top of Anita Street turn right along Sherratt Street and then go Left into Blossom Street.

At the top of Blossom Street turn right along Bengal Street cross over Jersey Street at the Zebra crossing then go through the gap of the metal fence turn left and continue right going down the steps into the Marina area.

At the first bridge cross over and then go right at the next bridge opposite the café. 


  • Take a look around what do you notice?
  • This is a gathering place for boats, people and birds. Where are the places that you gather with others?
  • What do you get out of being part of a group or community?
  • Think about the things you value from being part of a group.
  • Take a look again and notice what interaction there is between those you see.
  • Think about this space and what it offers to those who are here.
  • Think about the spaces you go into and why you go there.
  • Jesus met people where they were, do you think Jesus would be here in this place?
  • Where are the places where you feel you commune with God?
  • Perhaps you might want to be thankful for those places and the people who also gather there.


Go back over the bridge and go Right along the Marina and go over Old Mill Street at the Zebra crossing.

Continue over the next Manchester bridge and then after the building go left and follow the canal with it on your right.

Leave the Canal at the 2nd Bridge go up the steps onto Beswick street and then go left. At the traffic lights cross over Old Mill Street and go along Butler Street and back to Trinity on the left.


Think about all the places where the reflection points have been on this walk. They are all communities in some way. Think about what the word community means to you!

Prayer. God we thank you for the communities that we belong to, we thank you for the blessing it is to be part of those communities and for those who belong to them. Amen.