14 December Isaiah 49:1-6
Who, me? You must be joking, right? How could Almighty God choose such an insignificant and troubled individual like me to be his servant?! Like the prophet Isaiah, I am keenly aware that even before my birth Almighty God had a chosen plan and purpose for my life. What an awesome realisation, that even before each one of us was born, Almighty God had chosen a plan for our life!
As we journey through our discipleship with the Lord, we will come face to face with the challenges and vicissitudes of this fallen world, and in the context of personal trauma, one may become overly obsessed with our own struggles for survival – which may lead us to resort to scapegoating others in an attempt to carve out and solidify our social boundaries, even with our church family!
These challenges are meant to help us recognise others as equals who are in need of care and love, as we become stepping stones through which others will come to know the Almighty God’s saving grace.
Eva Manley
Dear God,
equip each one of us in Christ to put our trust and total confidence
in the power of your love, and to find fulfilment
in the work you have appointed us to.
Remind us constantly that, despite all of our human shortfalls,
your purpose for us is eternal.
As we prepare for the second coming of Jesus,
may all the world be saved. Amen.