Ash Wednesday 2023

Whole Circuit 10.00am on zoom

Email for joining details. 

Please either burn your palm cross from last year and bring the ash and a small amount of water OR bring a small amount of soil and a small amount of water. We are creating a wet paste substance of which we will use to sign the cross on our foreheads. Think small amount please. 

Droylsden – 11.30am in person

Levenshulme – 12 noon in person

Manley Park – 7.30pm on zoom, email  for joining details.

Moston – 7.00pm in person

Whalley Range – 4.30pm in person 

Withington – 7.30pm in person

Sanctus will meet at 7pm on in Mosaic at Central Hall, Oldham Street for ‘Lent and Leftovers’: bring your leftovers, or part-finished box of chocolates (or the like) to finish off and share before the austerity of Lent really hits! There will be a time of reflection and repentance, with the option of ashing.