The Easter Offering 2021 dedication service features people who have made a journey: some in obedience to God’s call on their lives, and others because they had no choice.
The worship encourages us to reflect and learn from those who travel, and to consider our own journeys – both physical and spiritual.
We do hope you will be able to join us on Zoom for this very special service at 6.30pm Sunday 9th May (request joining details from Caroline Wickens here).
There are three ways of giving to the World Mission Fund:
By cheque made out to ‘Methodist Church World Mission Fund’ and sent to the Finance Department at Methodist Church House (Methodist Church World Mission Fund, Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR) with a covering letter indicating the circuit’s name and ID number (Manchester Circuit 19/01) so that those donations can be properly attributed.
On-line at The World Mission Fund Just giving link: Donate – Donation amount – JustGiving.
Giving can also be done by a BACS transfer directly into the Methodist Church World Mission Fund account using the following information:
Sort code: 40-02-06
Account number: 70951706
If making a payment using this method, be sure to include your circuit reference followed by 02 – our reference would be 190102 – and If there is space, including the Circuit name to ensure that your donation is attributed to the correct circuit.