The Love of God comes close, where stands an open door.
Love of God, come close, when I feel all alone and the darkness seems close to overwhelming me.
Love of God, come close, when remembering saints and souls and fallen, threatens to cause me pain and despair.
Love of God, come close, when the dangers and challenges of this time I’m living through seem more than I can cope with.
Love of God, come close, when the pressures and stresses of present demands and regulations press down upon me.
Love of God, come close, when all around seems to be decaying and dark and I am dispirited and disheartened.
Love of God you said: “Behold I stand at the door and knock.”
Help me to hear your voice, open the door of my heart and invite you in to be with me and eat with me and help me.
Help me to reach out to those whose doors are firmly locked against you, so that through my prayers, my words and my actions they may find the desire, the courage and the strength to listen for your knocking, and enough trust to open the door to your love’s healing, rescuing power.
God of Love, I commit myself to you in the name of Christ Jesus.
Anne Wilde