Prayers for Education Sunday 2024

Father God in Heaven,
Thank you for your constant guidance and protection over us.
We see how around us not everything is perfect or beneficial for us to do.
We know things try and grab our attention and focus away from who you are and your majesty.
Father, we ask that you help us be led not into temptation, but that you would help us to make
better choices and to find true joy and peace in your presence.
We ask you to help us, and guide us, and we thank you for your everlasting love towards us.

Dear God,
Thank you for every effort made by schools, churches and others in the community to meet the
needs of children affected by poverty: running breakfast and after-school clubs, helping with
uniforms and other initiatives.
We pray for more financial resources to help school leaders cover essential costs and employ more staff members.

Loving God, we pray for all teachers who feel under pressure: from mental health issues, heavy
workloads, lack of resources, upcoming Ofsted inspections, poor classroom behaviour, and extra
administrative tasks.
Please strengthen and encourage them and bring supportive colleagues around them.

Lord, please help school leaders to make sensible rules about the use of mobile phones so that
children are not distracted by them in lesson times.
We also intercede for young people who are caught up in harmful social media messaging that
leads to bullying, using inappropriate pictures and other distressing situations.
Guide them to individuals and organisations who can help them.

Heavenly Father, we remember the 120,000 youngsters who were classed as ‘Children Missing
Education’ in the last year, many feeling unable to come to school because of mental health
problems such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders and problems at home.
Please bring to them the support they need to overcome this and catch up on lost time.

Original source: Prayers-for-Education-Sunday-2024.pdf (