Thought for the Month October 2024, by Rev. Sharon Read

Dear Friends,

By the time you read this, I will have been one month into my new role of Mission Area Lead and Deputy Chair for Lancashire and what a month it has been. While all new roles, and jobs and new situations take time to adjust and there is a sense that we must  keep our eyes forward and firmly fixed on Jesus to guide us each day. I have had days that I have loved, moments of despair, moments of real joy and moments of sinking in the deep end. We all have them, don’t we?

One thing that I hadn’t considered has been the sense of re-walking through my past. In all the places I have been and the people I have met so far, I am meeting people who knew me from years gone by and new connections that connect to the places I have lived and been. Being in Lancashire is like coming home, I grew up in Leyland and was an active member in my church, circuit and district. I have heard ‘oh you’re the little girl who came to church with her friend’ and ‘I remember you doing x y or z; to meeting my Sunday school teachers and youth leaders who I was able to thank them for all they have done and do because without them I certainly wouldn’t be who I am today. I have also bumped into people from previous districts and circuits I have been stationing in. AND THIS HAS BLOWN MY MIND. I have heard the phrase ‘Our Sharon, our deputy chair!” a number of times now.

It has made me ponder about planting seeds for  the gospel and the power of prayer. We may never know the answers to all that we do or say or the evidence of anyone coming to faith. The season of Autumn has begun, the leaves are falling and things are  dying, hibernation is happening… is the time more than ever to pray, pray, pray and keep on planting seeds ready for the Holy Spirit.

At our circuit meeting we discussed Mission Plans, maybe its time to ponder who we are, where we are going, what our hopes and dreams are, what we can do and where God is leading. Please talk to your circuit meeting rep or your minister and lets start those conversations so that we can thank God for the journey he takes us on.

When we are in the right places, with the right people, for me that means we sense that we are walking in the  footsteps  of  Jesus going before us. May all of us and all of our churches sense God’s leading and guiding and lets shed those leaves of the things that may not be part of where we are meant to be.

Happy October – may you enjoy that fresh autumnal air and kick some fabulous leaves (just not towards my garden please!)

Love and prayers
