Following the way
The first followers of Jesus weren’t called Christians. That came later.
They were called followers of ‘the way’ (see Acts 24.14). This seems
like a good place to start: especially at such a dark and difficult time for
our world. The Christian faith is a way of life. In fact, Jesus himself says
to his friends on the night before he dies, “I am the way”.
Jesus shows us what humanity can be like when it is lived God’s way.
His kindness, generosity, goodness, and forgiveness are from God.
This is what God is like. God welcomes everyone.
Life is hard. The way ahead isn’t obvious. And faced with difficulty
and uncertainty, God doesn’t send us a rule book or a map. He sends a
companion to walk with us: Jesus, the way. And he is not just the way
for us – but for each and every person. Let us pray for those we know
and love that they may find the way of Christ.
Loving God, when I’m feeling lost or lonely or afraid or uncertain of the
way ahead, be my guide, a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. And
today help me to be a good companion to those I meet.
Prayer Activity: 
Cut out a flame shape. On one side write the theme for today
Use the prayer and perhaps add your own for those who especially need our prayers today.
Action: look at the action and write on the back of your flame or write in the journal.
Place at your focal point.
The full version of the “Thy Kingdom Come” Prayer Journal 2021 can be viewed here: Thy Kingdom Come – Prayer Journal 2021