WTW Manchester Walk 5: Rochdale Canal Failsworth           

Walk Start Point:- Hope Methodist Church (Car park around the back), Oldham Road, Failsworth. M35 9AN

Distance: 3 miles approx.

Time:  90 mins approx

Terrain: The terrain is easy but sensible footwear for walking along the towpath and over grass and footpaths is recommended.

ROUTE: Turn left out of the Church car park along William Street and then immediately right onto Derby Street.

At the bottom turn left along Wickentree Lane which becomes Wrigley Head.

After the grassed area on the right turn right down the track and come to the bridge that goes over the tramway line.

As you walk through the bridge take notice of what you experience.


REFLECTION POINT 1 Tram Bridge                          

  • As you walked through the tunnel what did you notice?
  • Think about why people might walk through here
  • Think about what goes on above here and what it does
  • Think about all the people who travel this route by tram every day and where they might be going
  • Think about why they might be travelling perhaps for work, leisure or getting from one point to another as a means of a travel link
  • Think about the last time you travelled by tram and how was that for you?
  • How convenient or efficient is travelling by tram to us?
  • Travelling is important to us and helps us to get around, think about the mode of travel you use and how efficient it is for the environment.
  • Perhaps you might like to be thankful for the modes of transportation we have available to us.


JOURNEY ONWARDS: Continue forwards until you come to the Rochdale Canal.

At the canal go down to the right and follow the footpath along the canal.

Continue under bridge 77 and follow the path up to the right.

At the top turn left alongside the main road for approx. 50 yards and go left up the path at the top go right over the bridge that goes above the motor way.

As you walk over the bridge notice what you see and hear.

Stop once over the other side of the bridge. Make sure leaving room for other pedestrians or cyclists to get past.


REFLECTION POINT 2 Motorway Bridge                   

  • What did you notice as you crossed the bridge?
  • Think about what you felt like as you walked over
  • Think about how this bridge is different from the last reflection point
  • Think about how you might feel if you had to cross the motorway without a bridge to cross safely
  • Think about what happens if a bridge is closed
  • Think about what bridges like this enable us to do and helps us to do
  • Think about how crossing bridges of all kinds help us to safely journey from one place to the next
  • Think about what or who are the bridges in your life that help you to navigate through life
  • It could be said that Jesus is the bridge to God, what do you think about that?
  • Perhaps you might like to be thankful for the various forms of bridges you cross and are help to navigate safely over without even thinking about it.


Continue down the path with the Canal on your left and go under another large bridge.

Continue past the Boat and Horses pub (on your right) until you come to another bridge with some graffiti on it saying “ Peace, Love and Prosperity” as you go through (if it is still there) think about what that Means.


Continue onwards along the canal with it on your left

When you get to the pneumatic lift bridge do NOT crossover the road.

REFLECTION POINT 3  Lift Bridge                               

  • Take a look around and what do you notice?
  • Think about this bridge and how it works
  • Think about how this bridge needs to move to allow canal boats to be able to get through
  • Think about if you were on a boat and could not go any further because the drawbridge wasn’t working. How would you feel?
  • Think about how limiting this could be to you moving forward and discovering new places and possibilities
  • Think about, what are the things in life that are stopping you from moving forward and discovering more in life?
  • Think about this bridge and what needs to happen to allow the boats to pass through
  • Sometimes there are others who control the gates that allow transport to flow through where it needs to go.
  • How is this different in this case? Who are the ones that actively need to get the bridge raised and traffic stopped?
  • Think about how sometimes in life things need to change or be flexible in order for life to take place and move forward
  • Thinking about the various kinds of bridges we see and thinking about your own life, Who are the ones in your life that enable you to operate the crossing points in your life and enable you to journey on?
  • Think about how Spirituality and faith enables you to move forward and live life to the full                                                                                            


Now turn around and go back the way you came. You might want to stop for some refreshments at the pub which will now be on your left.

Go over the motorway and follow the path down to the left and then go right down the slope and rejoin the canal with it on your right.

Continue along the canal and exit the canal where you joined it. Continue under the tram way bridge then go left along Wrigley Head and then turn right into Derby Street and back to the church.


Lord God, Eternal creative Spirit we thank you for this walk today, for the conversations, for the reflections, for the thoughts in our minds. We thank you for bridges and what they enable. We thank you that they provide a way over obstacles and so we thank you for those who help us navigate the obstacles of life and we thank you for your guidance. Amen