Advent Reflections 2022: 24th December

Luke 2: 1-14
There is room. When I retired (or rather, ‘sat down’) as an active minister, I decided I wanted to make room in my study for a dedicated craft space. Since then, I’ve emptied drawers, shredded papers no longer needed, sorted out the bookshelves and reclaimed my desk. I’m happy to report: mission accomplished!

However, as I was clearing out this room, where prayers had been made and services and sermons prepared for so many years, a thought crossed my mind – was I also tidying away God in the process?

But this is the room where I’m still and quiet, and God refused to be tidied away, reminding me through today’s reading of the people and places by which we witness the love of God in action. Today’s reading in particular, from Luke’s gospel, reminds us that there is indeed room for everyone – for rich and poor, for lofty angels and lowly shepherds, for nature, for all people. And that in each of us, whoever we are, there is room for God.

And I was reminded me of this carol:

Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown,
when thou camest to earth for me;
but in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room
for thy holy nativity.
O come to my heart, Lord Jesus,
there is room in my heart for thee.
May you have a Blessed Christmas.

Revd. Sue Williams

Gracious and all-encompassing God,
may we, like Mary and all the other people involved in this reading,
make room in our hearts to receive Emmanuel, God with us.
Not just on Christmas Day, but every day. Amen.