Sunday 31st October
Hymn: Jesus is Lord (StF 353/H&P 260/SofF 290/ MP 367)
As international leaders gather to discuss climate change we remember, Jesus, that you are Lord of all things, that you were present at the beginning of time, and that as your people we have a responsibility to care for all you have made. We ask your forgiveness for the mess we have made of your creation, for the way we have abused and ravaged the natural world and upset the balance of nature. Through your coming amongst us you have shown us a better way to live, a better way to love, and the need to sacrifice our self-interest in order to make this possible for all people everywhere. So we pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit both for the COP 26 Conference and for ourselves, as together we seek to repair and to reverse the damage we have done.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 30th October
Hymn: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet (SofF 1066)
Lord God, we live in a troubled and confusing world, where so many difficult and seemingly unsolvable problems confront and disturb us. We long for peace, for equality and justice, for an end to poverty and homelessness, and so much else, but struggle to find answers or meaningful ways to make a difference. And in our own lives too, Lord, there is sometimes a restlessness as we try to find a way forward, to find the right path, and the challenges of daily life can so easily distract us and cause us to lose our way. It’s when we turn to your Word, Lord, that we so often find the stability and the security we need, for your word helps to ground our faith in what is real, and has not only stood the test of time, but reminds us of your love and faithfulness, on which you have promised we can always rely.
Liz Stuart
Friday 29th October
Hymn: Hark, my soul, it is the Lord (StF 426/H&P 521/MP 209)
When we consider all you have done for us, Lord Jesus, and the difference you have made to our lives, we cannot help but praise and thank you. For you have shown us a love and faithfulness that is greater than anything we can experience even from our closest family and friends, a forgiveness and fullness of life that exceeds all our hopes and expectations, and which is ours to enjoy both now and forever. So, Lord, knowing this, we ask you to help to turn aside from all that would seek to separate us from you, that we might learn to love and trust you more, follow more nearly in the example you have shown us, and give ourselves totally into your keeping.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 28th October
Hymn: Lead us Lord (Dream again)
There are times in our lives, Lord God, when we find ourselves at a crossroads, often when one phase of our life seems to be ending and we are entering into something new and different, and we begin to wonder where, or even whether, you are in all of this. It’s tempting to simply spend our time looking back, or maybe, alternatively, to try to leap into some new venture or activity, but often you ask us to be patient, to take one step at a time and to allow you to lead us. So help us, Lord, to listen, to wait and to trust, for you know the plans you have for us, and because you love us so much, those plans are always for our well-being.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 27th October
Hymn: Called by Christ to be disciples (StF 660)
You have given us so much, Lord Jesus, no less than life itself, life in all its fullness through your death and Resurrection, life lived in freedom and fellowship with you, life lived in the power of your Holy Spirit! How can we ever thank you enough for this? Surely only by trying to follow your example in living in ways that seek to show your compassion, your love, your forgiveness and your goodness, as we to seek to live as your people today. But alongside this, Lord, to take every opportunity to tell your story, to spread the good news of all you are and all you have done, so that others may hear your call to become your disciples too.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 26th October
Hymn: How firm a foundation (MP 243)
Lord God, how good it is to know that we can utterly rely on your promises, for it is these that give us a sure foundation on which to build our lives. For while we know that putting our faith in you doesn’t protect us from suffering or difficulties, or the inevitable problems that life brings, we know that you are, and always will be, with us to give us the strength, the resilience and the resources we need to enable us to keep going. We thank you for your faithfulness and the assurance that nothing can ever separate us from your love in Jesus.
Liz Stuart
Monday 25th October
Hymn: Do not be afraid (SofF 1213/MP 115)
Knowing that you are with us, Lord God, gives us a sense of security that is often hard to come by in a world so full of change. But it is more than this, for you know us better than we know ourselves, and whatever difficulty we are dealing with, whatever problem we are facing, however low we get, you are uniquely able to meet us where we are, and to offer us the loving care and the strength we need. So as we face a new week, Lord, not knowing what lies ahead of us, we put our trust in you to be our companion, our sustainer and our guide for the days to come.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 24th October
Hymn: You have called us by our name
Names mean a lot to us, Lord. They are the way we identify ourselves, the way we are known by other people, and when someone remembers our name we feel valued and special. Our name links us to our family – it gives us belonging and links us to our history. So for you to call us by our name means a lot, Lord, for it gives us a wonderful sense of worth and of belonging, and not only to you, but also to the family of all those who have put their trust in you. As we worship you today, we thank you for those who have gone before us, and with whom we are united in Jesus Christ. So help us, we pray, to pass our faith on lovingly and boldly both now and for generations to come, and all of it to your praise and glory.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 23rd October
Hymn: Jesus is King (StF 327/SofF 289/MP 366)
Lord God, all your promises come together in Jesus, the One you sent to be our Saviour, to heal and to bring us back into the intimate and trusting relationship which you intended right from the very beginning of time. But this can only happen when we allow Jesus to reign as King on the throne of our hearts, when we invite his Holy Spirit to direct our lives and to transform us from the inside out. For it is then that everything takes on a whole new dimension, for no longer do we find ourselves enslaved by the fleeting values and aspirations of this world, but freed to live lives full of purpose and hope – hope that is securely grounded in your love and faithfulness.
Liz Stuart
Friday 22nd October
Hymn: Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King (Forever) (StF 77/SofF 1241)
One of the things we’ve come to realise in the world of today, Lord God, is that nothing appears to be built to last! Whether it’s washing machines or trade agreements, or relationships – they often don’t seem to have the longevity or the sustainability we expect them to have. How great it is, Lord, that when it comes to you the word that immediately springs to mind is ‘forever’, because we know that your faithfulness, your goodness and your love are for the long haul – in fact, however many times we fail you, amazingly you never give up on us, and you will never let us down. Thank you, Lord, for the assurance and hope this gives us!
Liz Stuart
Thursday 21st October
Hymn: The stranger of Galilee
Lord Jesus, when we read of all you came to do and be it fills us with wonder and amazement, as we hear how you reached out to those who were on the fringes of society, offering healing of body, mind and spirit to people whom others ignored and looked down upon, giving them new life and hope. But this was only part of it, Lord, for through your death and Resurrection that wholeness and newness of life is freely available to each and every one of us, as you continue to minister across the centuries through your Holy Spirit. And so we put our trust in you, our living, loving Lord, for now and for always.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 20th October
Hymn: Holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty (SofF 771)
We thank you, Lord, that you are the God of all ages, past, present and future. Generations long gone tell of your holiness, you goodness and your love, and we ourselves have seen this lived out not only in the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus, but have experienced this in our own lives through your Holy Spirit living in us. And all this fills us with confidence and hope for the future, for you are our almighty God, the One who never changes, and upon whose faithfulness we can totally rely. And so we lift up your name, Lord, and we offer you the praise and worship that is rightly yours, together with the love of our hearts.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 19th October
Hymn: Go forth and tell (H&P 770/ SofF 738/MP 178)
Lord God, you never intended that we should keep the Good News of Jesus to ourselves, but to show and to share it wherever and however and whenever we are able. Sometimes we lack the courage to do this, Lord, either because we don’t want to offend or upset other people, or through shyness and lack of confidence. Although we know we can trust your Holy Spirit to open up the opportunities for us and guide us in what we say, we ask that you will strengthen our faith and give us the courage we lack, so that we may use the gifts you have given us to your glory, and speak openly of the love and hope we have found in you.
Liz Stuart
Monday 18th October
Hymn: Will your anchor hold (StF 645/H&P 689/MP 770)
Lord God, we don’t know what this new week will bring, how our faith will be tested, or what opportunities you will give us to make you known. What we do know is that whatever happens you will be with us, and that you will use these experiences to give us new insights into your love, your glory and your power, and to grow our faith in you. So we place any anxieties we may have into your hands, for you will hold them and deal with them in the best possible way, allowing us to find peace and wholeness and, through the help of your Holy Spirit, all the strength and courage we need. Thank you, Lord!
Liz Stuart
Sunday 17th October
Hymn: Who paints the skies (SofF 1118)
It’s when we acknowledge your greatness, Lord Jesus, that we are able to see everything with new eyes and with a different perspective. For then those problems or fears that had loomed so large become more like bumps in the road – to be navigated carefully and to be overcome patiently, not in our own strength, Lord, but through your almighty power. And so we come to worship you today with joy and thanksgiving, opening our hearts to receive your love and our lives to fulfil your purpose, and all of it to your praise and glory. So, help us to live victoriously in this coming week, Lord, trusting in you in all things to see us through.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 16th October
Hymn: All to Jesus I surrender (SofF 1163/MP 25)
Dear Lord Jesus, we often turn to you in our need, when we’re going through difficult or testing times, when we’re anxious or grieving, because we know that, in your great love for us, you are always there to comfort us and still our fears. But it’s only when we surrender all we are to you that you can really begin to transform us into the people you planned for us to be, as we allow you to reign on the throne of our hearts, and take first place in our lives. Sometimes this can feel a bit scary, Lord, because we like to feel we are in control and to do things our own way, but we know that only with you can we find true peace and fullness of life. So give us the courage to take this step today, however many times we have done this before, and put our whole trust in you.
Liz Stuart
Friday 15th October
Hymn: You are mine
You know us so well, Lord God, and as we have travelled through this week, we thank you for the times when we have suddenly been aware of your presence. It may have been through something of beauty that has caught our attention as if for the first time – or when we have felt lonely or sad or anxious and have felt a sense of peace. Or perhaps it was quite unexpectedly, in the midst of our busyness, and there has been a sense of ‘rightness’, of you working alongside us and giving us the strength we need, and joy in it all. For all of this we thank you, Lord, and for your promise that there is nothing that can separate us from your love.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 14th October
Hymn: Sometimes a light surprises (H&P 571)
If we have learned nothing else over the last 18 months, Lord God, it is just how unpredictable the future can be! We don’t know what tomorrow holds, for the world, for our country, for ourselves and our loved ones, and this could make us live in constant anxiety and fear, but we know that you do, Lord, for nothing is hidden from your sight, and you hold all things and all people everywhere in your loving hands, and this gives us all the security that we need. May we not be selfish or complacent about this, Lord, but show our grateful thanks by reaching out to all who are in need, and showing and sharing the love, the peace and the hope we have found in you.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 13th October
Hymn: The Father’s Song (SofF 1321)
While our human parents sometimes let us down, Lord God, you are our perfect Father, watching over us and loving us the whole of our lives. There is nothing we can do to earn or to deserve your love, but neither is there anything or anyone that will ever be able to separate us from your love. Even when we fail you, deny you and let you down you never give up on us, and when life shatters our hopes and dreams you are always there to pick us up, to set us on our feet, to comfort us and make us whole. You hold us close in our fear and uncertainty and promise us a future filled with promise, and so today, and for always, we want to listen to your song and to put
our trust in you.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 12th October
Hymn: When God comes near
Your presence in our lives, Lord God makes all the difference! Just knowing you are there gives us the confidence and the strength to face whatever we are going through, and in those times when we feel very much alone, you are the faithful friend who stands alongside us giving us the love, the support and the comfort we need. Sometimes we forget this, Lord, thinking that we ought to be able to manage on our own, and if we’re honest, often wanting to be independent, but we soon discover how much we need you, and then we realise this, your help is always at hand. So thank you, Lord, that we can always call on you, and you will never let us down!
Liz Stuart
Monday 11th October
Hymn: Till I met you
We know, Lord Jesus, that there are many more ways of being imprisoned than being behind bars, and we live in a world where many are not able to live in freedom, or in the fullness of life that is your desire for all people everywhere. There are those who live in extreme poverty and deprivation, denied the opportunities of education and healthcare that we take for granted. Those who suffer from debilitating illness or incapacity, and the many confined to their homes or hospital care, who do not have the freedom to enjoy the beauty of the world around them. And those who are imprisoned by fear, by anxiety, by their past experiences, by regret. You know them each one, Lord, and we pray that they may find freedom in your love. May we, who have received so much, give generously of ourselves to support those who have so little.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 10th October
Hymn: In an age of twisted values (StF 703)
Lord God, on this Prisons Sunday, we pray for all who are serving time for committing crimes, that they may have the opportunity to learn new ways of living, and through Prison Chaplaincy come to know Jesus, and find new purpose in their lives. We pray for all who work in prisons and in the administration of law and order, that you will give them wisdom and courage, and guide them by your Holy Spirit in the decisions they make. And we pray for those wrongfully imprisoned, in countries where the lack of proper justice means that people are locked away for speaking out against the disregard of human rights, and for Christians imprisoned for living out and speaking of their faith. Help us to play our part in building a world where honesty, fairness, love and compassion are valued and respected, and where all may live in peace and dignity.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 9th October
Hymn: I am thine, O Lord (MHB 746)
Loving God, as we come to the end of another week, we look back on all the ways you have blessed us. For those moments of joy when our hearts have soared; for those times of quiet happiness when we have discovered your peace in the middle of a busy day. For those difficult situations, when somehow we have found a way through, and known it was your Holy Spirit guiding us. And for those times when we have felt sad or lonely, perhaps when memories from the past have crowded in, and we have been reminded of friends or family no longer with us, and have found ourselves encircled by your arms of love. In all these, and in so many other ways, we have known your upholding, Lord, and we give you our love and our grateful thanks.
Liz Stuart
Friday 8th October
Hymn: Ancient words
How fortunate we are, Lord God, to be able to read those ancient, holy words spoken to your people of long ago, words which tell us of your heart of love, and your desire for us to get to know you as your people today. And as if this were not enough, you sent Jesus, your Son, as your living Word, to show us in all he said and did, and supremely in his death and Resurrection, how we can approach you as our loving and forgiving heavenly Father. But even more than this, you still speak to us today through your Holy Spirit, both bringing that written word to life, and through whispering your will into our hearts and minds. So, Lord, we thank you for this rich heritage which is ours, and pray that we may continue to read and to listen, and thus to discover all you would teach us of your truth and of your ways.
Liz Stuart
Thursday 7th October
Hymn: God is love: let heaven adore him (StF 103/H&P 36/MP 187)
Lord God, you are the creator of all that is, but you didn’t then just leave us to our own devices. You constantly watch over us and hold each one of us in your loving care. You are faithful in keeping your promises, always reaching out to us, always guiding us through your Holy Spirit and seeking the best for us. And yet, Lord, so often we leave you out of our lives, not deliberately, but because we get so caught up with our everyday concerns that we somehow shut you out, forgetting that you are interested in all the little things as well as the major issues that confront us. Forgive us, Lord, and help us to keep you always where you want and where we need you to be – in the centre of our lives and on the throne of our hearts.
Liz Stuart
Wednesday 6th October
Hymn: This is amazing grace
How can we ever thank you, Lord Jesus, for all you have done for us? You have set us free from the power of sin and death, and because of this and through this, and through the power of your Holy Spirit living in us, we can live life to the full, full of purpose, full of joy, full of assurance, knowing that you are constantly with us and that nothing can separate us from your love. The amazing part of this, Lord, is that we have done nothing to deserve this – it is all because of your amazing grace, and all you ask of us is that we put our trust in you, and invite you into our hearts and lives. We do this gladly, Lord, in faith and in love.
Liz Stuart
Tuesday 5th October
Hymn: God is working his purpose out (H&P 769/SofF 135/MP 189)
Lord God, in those times when we feel overwhelmed by all that is going on in the world, when we feel systems and society is out of control, and evil seems to be gaining a foothold, help us to remember that you are Sovereign. That you are indeed working your purpose out, and that, in the end, goodness, mercy, compassion, love and forgiveness will triumph, for nothing is beyond your power to bring into being. You have proved this in and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and you will do it again, in your time, according to your great plan. And so, Lord, resting on your promises, we face the future with confidence and hope, seeking to live to your glory.
Liz Stuart
Monday 4th October
Hymn: God in his love for us (StF 727/H&P 343/CMP 832)
We so easily take it all for granted, Lord God. We treat the world around us as if it were all for our benefit, ours to use, and, too often, ours to exploit and abuse. We forget that you never intended us to own your creation, Lord – you entrusted it to our care, to tend and to cherish its resources, and to use them for the good of all. But we have failed to do this, and in so many parts of the world people live in poverty, their lives spent trying to scratch a living on land that is too ravished by drought to bear sufficient crops to feed their families. Hopefully, we are coming to our senses, and we pray that it may not be too late to repair the damage we have caused, and to reverse the effects of climate change. We ask for your wisdom and a real willingness to do this, Lord, so that all may come to enjoy the bounty and beauty of your wonderful creation.
Liz Stuart
Sunday 3rd October
Hymn: To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (StF129/H&P 362)
Almighty God, we praise and worship you for all your many gifts to us, and at this harvest season for all the ways you provide for our daily needs. As we see the ripening of corn in the fields, of fruit in our gardens, the seed heads on flowers and shrubs, it reminds us that this is not the ending of a season but the preparation for a new one, and of your ongoing love and generosity for us and for the whole of your creation. As, through Jesus, you have sown seeds of new life and hope in our hearts, and as you work in us by your Holy Spirit, may we grow in our trust in you and bear fruit in lives that speak of your love and forgiveness, your faithfulness and your goodness, and all of it to your glory.
Liz Stuart
Saturday 2nd October
Hymn: Creation sings the Father’s song (SofF 2255)
Sometimes we forget, Lord God, that we are simply part of a bigger story, part of your great plan for the world, and part of your purpose in bringing all things to that time and place where the whole of creation reaches the perfection and the fulfilment that you had planned from the very beginning. And because of your great love for all you have made, you have continued to work to this end, sending Jesus to bring us back into a living relationship with you, and, through your Holy Spirit, equipping us to carry on his ministry of healing and reconciliation, and of showing your love through word and action. So let us too join in the song of all creation, and learn to sing it with all our being to your praise and glory!
Liz Stuart
Friday 1st October
Hymn: All things bright and beautiful (StF 100/H&P 330/SofF 14/MP 23)
As we move into autumn we cannot help but celebrate the beauty of the world around us, and remember, Lord God, that all of it is your creation. We are captivated by the vast landscapes, by the sight of rolling hills, awe-inspiring mountains, whispering woodlands ablaze with colour, the night sky pricked with stars, the glory of a sunset – and so much more which stills us into silence. But perhaps even more than this, by the perfection of tiny things – of scurrying ants, shimmering cobwebs, seeds like dust, the delicate perfume of flowers, and all that make us catch our breath in amazement at the mind and imagination that fashioned it. Help us, Lord, never to lose the child-like curiosity that makes us see everything as if for the first time, for then we will never cease to wonder and to worship.
Liz Stuart