The other side of words
When we do come to God. Or when we return to God. Or when we
receive Holy Communion and hold that broken piece of bread in our
hands. Or when we hear a passage from scripture that moves us. Or
when we see in each other a love that holds and sustains us. And when
we know we are loved, the only real response is silence.
There is a place beyond words, where the heart rests in peace, in the
knowledge of being known and loved.
Not all of us experience such love in our lives. Some of us have been
very damaged by life’s injustices. But the love we receive from Jesus,
the love that is from God, is secure. It is waiting for us the other side of
words. We only need to turn.
Loving God, our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you. Hold
me, for the storms are raging and the waves crash over. Be my rest and my
security. And even though human touch and human love is so beautiful
and so longed for, help me to know today that it comes from you and, like
everything that is good and beautiful, will return to you in the silence of
your eternal and never changing love. Be with me as I hold myself and
hold others in your embrace.
Prayer Activity:
Cut out a flame shape. On one side write the theme for today
Use the prayer and perhaps add your own for those who especially need our prayers today.
Action: look at the action and write on the back of your flame or write in the journal.
Place at your focal point.
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The full version of the “Thy Kingdom Come” Prayer Journal 2021 can be viewed here: Thy Kingdom Come – Prayer Journal 2021