Turning around
Jesus begins his ministry with the word repent (see Mark 1.15) It
means turn around. You’re going in the wrong direction. Re-orientate
your life.
The whole world needs to hear this message. Whether it is the way
we treat each other or the way we treat the planet, we are going in
the wrong direction. No one seriously disputes this. The world has to
change. But who has the answers? Who do we follow?
Jesus says, follow me and you will be walking in the light (see John
8.12). Jesus gives us a way of inhabiting the world and living with each
other that is, truly, the world’s best hope.
It begins by turning around. By following him. The Christian faith is
a way for everyone.
Steadfast God, redirect my life and redirect the life of the world. Help us
to live in peace with each other and with the planet. And today help me
to tread lightly on the earth, praying for others that we may all find for
ourselves the way of being human that God shows us in Jesus. Give me the
chance to start again. To turn around.
Prayer Activity:
Cut out a flame shape. On one side write the theme for today
Use the prayer and perhaps add your own for those who especially need our prayers today.
Action: look at the action and write on the back of your flame or write in the journal.
Place at your focal point.
The full version of the “Thy Kingdom Come” Prayer Journal 2021 can be viewed here: Thy Kingdom Come – Prayer Journal 2021