A new heaven and a new earth
The offer of the Christian faith is the offer of abundant life (see John
10.10). Not a life lived somewhere else, but this life lived to the full;
this life lived in the way God intends.
Some people have never really heard this offer. They thought the
Christian faith was just a private thing with God, a way of getting to
heaven. But God doesn’t just promise life after death, but heaven come
down to earth, a better and more fulfilled life now. It starts by turning
around. We see ourselves in right relationship with God. That God is
the source of life. That we are the ones who have received the gift of
life. Acknowledging this, our hearts overflow with thanksgiving. We
start to live differently. We follow the way of Jesus. We pray that this
way of life will be found by everyone.
Generous God, pour your abundant life into my heart. Help me to
live differently. And today may others see and receive this offer of life
through me.
Prayer Activity:
Cut out a flame shape. On one side write the theme for today
Use the prayer and perhaps add your own for those who especially need our prayers today.
Action: look at the action and write on the back of your flame or write in the journal.
Place at your focal point.
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The full version of the “Thy Kingdom Come” Prayer Journal 2021 can be viewed here: Thy Kingdom Come – Prayer Journal 2021