Make your life a prayer
What then should we pray for?
Paul sets the bar of expectation very high. We should pray for everyone.
We should pray all the time.
I see it this way. Make your life a prayer. Make your life an offering.
Ask God that your life and your prayers, your words and your actions,
might make a difference in the world. To follow in the way of Jesus
means living a Jesus shaped life, so that all the good things that we see
in him can also be seen in us, at least in part.
In this way our following Jesus is more than attending services, or
even believing certain things. It is a way of life. A way that makes a
difference for us and for the world.
Transforming God, make me more like Jesus. And because I know my life
is not like that, show me Jesus today. And change my prayer from asking
things for myself to asking you what you would like for me, so that my life
can be part of your story. And help me to pray for others, that they may
know Christ for themselves.
Prayer Activity:
Cut out a flame shape. On one side write the theme for today
Use the prayer and perhaps add your own for those who especially need our prayers today.
Action: look at the action and write on the back of your flame or write in the journal.
Place at your focal point.
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The full version of the “Thy Kingdom Come” Prayer Journal 2021 can be viewed here: Thy Kingdom Come – Prayer Journal 2021