Isaiah 35: 1-10
This passage tells a story. A story of new life appearing in a wasteland. Of a landscape similar to that of Lebanon: coast, mountains, and fertile land, pristine and glorious. Of people who have been deceived by lies or have been simply stubborn, now living as a harmonious part of this, recognising and accepting God’s truth. All of this is dedicated to God, sacred, all parts of it singing for joy. All of this is promised by God, reassuring those with weary hands and trembling knees, perhaps people like us.
I recently read part of an interview with Sir Tim Smit, co-founder of the Eden Project. At one point he talked about the stories we tell ourselves, and how important they are in shaping our attitudes and our lives. Which stories do we tell ourselves? Do we have a story which motivates or inspires us? Or are we influenced by stories of despair and futility?
It is difficult to be hopeful when we are besieged by stories of chaos and corruption. And yet these are not the only stories there are. We believe in God’s story about us and for us. It is one of creation, then failure and suffering, but finally of transformation and new life. When we are feeling weak and weary of well doing, it helps us to read or listen to God’s story, of purpose and truth, of joy and rightness. That is the only story that matters.
Revd. Susan Rowe
Loving God,
help me to be mindful of your promises.
Let me listen to the story you tell.
Help me not to be influenced by lies.
Help me not to share them,
but to be strengthened by, and to share your truth.