Dreams, Hopes & Aspirations for a Just Society: Towards a People’s General Election Manifesto 2024

As we prepare for the general election in the UK on the 4th of July 2024, it is time for responsible citizens in our communities to understand and unravel the realities of our times, to be at the forefront of sensitizing our communities to be politically engaged and strive for a just society, where justice, equality, inclusiveness and liberation will thrive and be celebrated.

Today the British Political landscape is complex with the gap between the ‘haves and have-nots’ ever widening, the cost-of-living crisis deepening with economic inequality on the one hand, and on the other vulnerable communities being pushed into further marginalisation.  These communities include people with disabilities, people seeking refuge and sanctuary, people of migration, people struggling with housing crisis, people discriminated by race, colour, gender, sexuality, and young people.

The global contexts of ongoing conflict, war, geo-political tensions, ecological crisis, poverty and hunger call on the British electorate to choose leaders wisely as their decisions on global issues are important.

If politics is about ‘polis’ people and polity, and if elections are about choosing those who can serve the ‘polis’, now is the time to redeem and reclaim politics as our public civic tool where democracy for a just society is affirmed. In such a context, we the people of UK, who feel called to building a just society nurturing peace, love, justice, fairness, dignity and equality in the public sphere, are envisaging a creative political space where people’s dreams, hopes and aspirations for a better society are heard, shared and voiced out.

This creative political space will be a space with a preferential option for those on the margins, airing their voices, concerns and issues of life today. Through this process a people’s general election manifesto for 2024 will evolve, and will be shared with the citizens of the public sphere in the hope of sensitizing the electorate and therefore see the election of candidates who will address these life issues.

The next government must put people on the margins at the centre of their vision. This will deliver a real change for the betterment of all people and communities. This general election is a chance for the citizenry to strive for a just society. It is not about personalities, but about policies, where justice issues will be the guiding principles in making our country and our planet a better place to live.

Who is invited? 

People with lived experiences and people who are committed to building solidarity for justice and are willing who to share their dreams, hopes and aspirations for a just society are invited.


On Saturday, the 15th June 2024 from 10-3pm with lunch at Heaton Moor United Church

For more details:



We also invite you to check out the following links: 

Elections – Joint Public Issues Team (jpit.uk)

Put poverty on the agenda this election – Let’s End Poverty (letsendpoverty.co.uk)